This supposed 'Hatred'

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"I fucking hate that son of a bitch, he ruined my life and I was so happy before I met him" Noah sighed staring into space remembering his last moments with Jacob as Josh listened to him intently.
"I'm sure it'll be okay"

Noah kept silent, it would never be okay for him again, he would never find a friendship like that and he would never get over his hatred for Jacob. He thought the way Jacob smiled was ugly, the way he'd awkwardly stand, the way he failed to converse with people, his bland personality and his stupid face.


"Oh, I uhm sorry" stuttered Noah as he was snapped out of his daze

"It's fine." replied Josh, he was concerned for his friend, he'd listen to him talk about his ex friend for ages, Josh felt a similar hatred for Jacob aswell but not in the way Noah did - nobody would hate Jacob the way Noah supposedly hated him.

As Noah spoke about him, Jacob layed in his room staring into the ceiling; peaky blinders was playing in the bsckround but that didn't stop his mind from wandering. Where was Noah? was Noah okay? does Noah miss him as equally as Jacob missed him? Jacob sighed he felt empty without Noah, it's like a peice of him was ripped our from his insides. The young boy rummaged through his draws in search of his weed stash and his grinder. He really need a spliff right now - or atleast he thought so as he lit the spliff up and gently placed the end into his mouth, maybe it would make him feel okay for a while. Maybe Jacob wouldn't be tormented by his thoughts and the overwhelming feeling of sorrow and loss that at him from the inside out and weighed so heavily in his chest. All he wanted to do was cry, everyday had the same numb feeling that started as soon as he woke up and wouldn't go away until he went to sleep in indulged in some sort of substance. Most days Jacob struggled to get out of bed and do the bare minimum such as brushing his teeth, getting showered or even getting dressed, no matter what Jacob did he'd never escape the door he felt so deeply within him that pulled him apart.

Fuck, it's Monday tomorrow, Jacob realised before slowly drifting off to his sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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