Chapter 4

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A/N - Am I rushing this? Surprisingly, no. I am actually putting a lot of thought into this book unlike what I did with other ones which were basically: 'omg thats a good idea, has anyone made it? no? I'll make it.' or 'wow, I like this fic. imma make a book inspired by it :D' but none ever actually got thought put into them. Soooo, chapter 4. We finally get to the main event of the book, THE ACADEMY, hehehehe I hope you all enjoy my darling lil readers. bey bey, ttyl readers, you'll hear from me at the end, bey.

The walk to the hall took a while, although that's to be expected as the hall is right in the middle of the entire academy, and this academy is huge! Everyone was hushed as if speaking too loudly will break something, everyone was whispering about how excited they were, Akiira couldn't help but frown the entire walk. He didn't feel excited, was he meant to? He was going into a brand new school with brand new friends. Oh, and on top of that it's a rather prestigious school within the magic users, did he forget to mention that?

Leifare started off as a place where those who come from high ranked families could go, but after an incident happened, which no one knows the details of, the newspaper didn't reveal anything, the school was abandoned and never returned to for a few hundred years, it was only rather recently that it was returned to, 50 years ago when magic was first discovered inside a child called Leif. Leif grew up surrounded by fear and fame, when he reached his 30's the population of magic users rose incredibly, so he decided to buy the building, he fixed it and named it Leifare's Academy for Gifted Ones. Everyone just calls it Leifare Academy though. The rest of Leifare's history? Washed away, Leifare was only one building to be turned into a magic school, there were many others scattered across the globe. After 10 years, Leifare Academy rose to be the greatest school for magic users, but the history was already lost to time. Apparently there's a book in the library of Leifare that holds every little part of history within Leifare, the parts shown on the news and the ones pushed to the side. The founder of the Academy, Leif Howritz, is now in his 80's, but is still kicking according to those who see him around the Academy! Amazing what magic can do, isn't it? Akiira faintly wonders how much longer Leif Howritz would live...

When Akiira snapped out of his thoughts by Laek, who had shoved him, luckily he stayed upright, two massive doors stood in front of the three lines, the man started to speak again,
"Within these doors is the hall. There will be 4 people from each dorm, the teacher, the Leader, the Vice and someone who is just apart of the dorm. You will hear your name and stand, you shall walk to the center of the room and await further instructions, understood?"
Everyone chorused either a "Yes!" or a "Got it!"
The man nodded, "Good." and he pushed the two doors open, 'Woah...he must be strong to push those doors open!' Akiira thought, annoyed expression giving way to one of awe.
"Ah! This is so exciting!" Elijah whisper yelled, causing Kaipo to nod and Laek to say,
"I know right?? I really really hope I'm in Water!"
Everyone was quietly chattering excitedly, but when they walked into the huge hall, they went silent, too busy in awe to speak. The green haired male was showing everyone where they're allowed to sit, Elijah snagged a seat in the front, Kaipo and Akiira joining whilst Laek went and sat directly behind them, Izara by her side. Akiira wondered aloud, "I wonder what order they're going to call everyone in."
"Ooh! Same!" Kaipo agreed, Laek nodded her head excitedly,
"They're probably going to go alphabetically." Elijah whispered,
"So...Akiira would be one of the first?" Laek wondered aloud,
"Not first name alphabetically, surname alphabetically." Elijah sighed, "I'm not going up for a good while..."
"Whats your surname Elijah?" Akiira asked, leaning forward to look at Elijah,
"Valdez. Elijah Valdez." Kaipo announced quietly, Laek snickered,
"That's a weird combo" She teased, causing Elijah to sigh,
"I know, and it's the 22nd letter in the alphabet meaning I'm going to be one of the lasts!" He complained, Kaipo chuckled,
"Whats all your surnames?" He asked, "Mines Orthel!"
"Kaipo Orthel.." Izara muttered, Laek hummed,
"Better than Valdez's over here~"
"Leave it alone!" He groaned,
Laek laughed again, before saying hers, "Well, mines Marina!"
"Huh, matches your name as well." Kaipo nodded, "Laek, lake, Marina, docks."
"Heh, that's why I want to get into'd be weird is someone called Laek Marina in Fired for example" She chuckled, Kaipo laughed too,
"Well it certainly would make for a good joke." he chuckled, Akiira and Izara looked at each other, them two being the only ones who haven't said theirs yet, as Kaipo was about to confront the two, someone started to speak.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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