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Hello everyone, if you are reading this then welcome to this new story.

That I am undertaking as an official side project to my main story watching Subaru lose his shit for 636 minutes straight.

Anyway as you can maybe guess by the title or the brief description, this is a reaction fanfiction, where the characters of Re Zero, react to Subaru taking Isaac Clark's place as the main protagonist of the original Dead Space game.

All of the characters are posted Arc 6, also this story will not make any direct references, but it does take place in the same universe as Watching Him Die Again and Again, which is a excellent fanfiction you should definitely check, although reading that story is not necessary to understand what's going on in this one.

Finally, this story is kind of a spiritual continuation of the original Re: Dead Space, which despite not being updated in forever, and only having 3 chapters, is definitely a story I would recommend reading.

But without any further ado, I present to you the first chapter of Pleiades: A Lone Star Dies.

(PS quick shout out to the author Shape of Evil and The Writing Pupil, for coming up with the actual name for this story as well as helping me solidify ideas for the story, definitely owe you both big time my dudes.)

As the screen faded to Black, everyone couldn't help but feel relief well up within them, despite the horrifying and twisted journey Subaru had experience in the Sanctuary. The young man had managed to come out on top again, causing most people in the audience, to feel a great sense of pride for the young man, for seemingly doing the impossible and overcoming colossal odds, not even the most powerful Knights could have overcome.

All of the members of the Emilia camp, have their own thoughts and feelings on Subaru's journey in the sanctuary. Each members thoughts ranging from extreme guilt over causing much of Subaru's tournament, to absolute pride and affection, over the fact that Subaru had overcome such colossal hardships. Emilia in particular, looked down at her sleeping Knight, gently tracing the line of his cheek with one of her hands, feeling her eyes moisten slightly, as all of the pain and torment, he had put himself through for her sake came to mind.

Rem had a similar thought to the half elf, looking at her beloved longingly, as he rested peacefully in the theatre with them, however the more she looked at her beloved, more scenes from the horrifying events in the sanctuary played in her mind, everything from the attack on the mansion, the appearance of the great rabbit, and to the reveal that Roswaal, the man that had saved her and she looked up to, was the very same man that was single-handedly responsible, for every hardship and death Subaru had experience since coming to their world. But despite all of the horror and misery, but she couldn't help but feel smile spread across her face, at the fact that Subaru had managed to stay strong and persevere through it all.

Beatrice had similar thoughts and feelings, as the other two closest women to Subaru's heart. Watching her contractor literally be ripped apart before her eyes, was perhaps the most soul crushing site she had ever experienced, yet despite experiencing such a brutal death it did not shatter his resolve, in fact to her it seem to only strengthen it, proving to the great spirit that her contractor was truly someone special, as well as confirming that she had made the right choice, in choosing him as her contractor and friend.

Otto after what he had witnessed, now finally understood his friend Subaru on the level he never thought possible, it all made sense to him now, why Subaru never let his friends take the weight of his burdens, always carrying it all himself, even if it slowly crushed his soul into dust. The grey head merchant couldn't help the feel his eyes beginning to leak salty tears, which quickly gave way to a full on waterfall of tears, as Otto thought of all of the hardships and suffering his friend had gone through, never been able to tell anyone about it because of the return by death taboo, forcing him to carry it all on her shoulders, that's something else that made the grey head merchant cry even harder, was the fact that Subaru despite the weight on his shoulders never gave up, never letting the suffering break his will to keep moving forward.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 25 ⏰

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