🦚Prologue🦚 {Just wait till 7}

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"HERA!" bellowed Zeus up in his palace at Olympus.
"Yes, darling?" asked Hera, cowering at her husband's wrath but also keeping her head up.
"Where is the child?" Zeus wondered after Hera had emerged from her chambers, where she was nursing their 'child'.
"She was too weak for our world, I sent her down to a mortal. She was powerless my love..." whispered Hera, not admitting of her affair with a mortal.
"A daughter of Zeus, Powerless you say! POWERLESS!? She isn't my daughter!" Zeus yelled his face red from fury.
"Listen, Lord Zeus, it was a mistake... I never meant for it to happen..." Hera whimpered, never before had she been seen so powerless and weak.
"The girl will have no contact with you! Hermes will take her in his cabin when she is of age! One wrong move and our marriage is over, anything I don't approve and you are DONE FOR! You are dismissed" Zeus addressed her as Hera ran back to her chamber tears running down her face, what was she thinking, a mortal? She had a half blood child... she made a hero...
Aristotle Rosier walked into his living room, it was the middle of the night and yet there was a knocking at his apartment door.
Am almost magical looking girl was stood at his front door, cradling a baby in her arms.
"My lady June (Hera's mortal name, derived from her Roman name, Juno), asked me to bring forth your daughter, my lord Aristotle, please accept Lady June's offering fore I'm ashamed to say your daughter would perish at the hands of My Great Lord Zeus if she stayed longer in Olympus. My lady June is The Goddess Hera, please may this not shock you, Hermes will explain all..." said the glowing girl placing the baby in Aristotles arms.
After that she disappeared into thin air leaving a trail of gold dust in the sky.
"Why, it was only a one night stand.... just my luck," Aristotle chuckled "You look awfully like my mother Andromache, but she wouldn't like it very much if I called you that, she hates her name, soon as Hermes will visit I think he'd be pleased to know your name is now, Hermione Adamantia Rosier."
{A few years later} /Hermione is six/

"Daddy, how come I don't have a mummy, like Priscilla and Lorelai?" Hermione asked walking home from school with Aristotle and Annabeth.
"I don't have a mummy either...daddy told me he doesn't know why she left though" said Annabeth.
Hermione gave Annabeth a look and even at their young age of six both girls knew what they had to do to survive.
Hermione had a step mom called Tiffany but she was a mean lady and when Aristotle was at work she'd make Hermione mop up her wine spills.
"Just wait till 7," Hermione reassured herself, she and Annabeth were both turning 7 the following week and they were going to run away, to a magical place were they would meet their mummies.
"Just wait till 7" Annabeth and Hermione said together.

[A/N] Hello! Thank you for reading! This is the first fanfic I've ever started publishing and I'd love if you voted! Most of the story will be in Hermione's pov !! I hope you have a lucky day because every read this book gets makes me extremely happy!
~The Author

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