" What did you do to Mayank?"

"The fuck, Ish. What am i, a psychopath? Why would i do anything to him? Are you honestly sure your head is alright? You don't sound alright".

I'm not sure if he was mocking me but his face was kinda serious. Did this guy lock Mayank somewhere just because i asked him to leave earlier and not Mayank?.

"Then where is Mayank? Why didn't he tell me he'll be sleeping in Tilak's? He never does that? "

" Ishan, are you drunk then?". Okay this guy is pissing me off now. "Nah, don't give me that look. What else am i supposed to think. You're not asking the right questions, you little menace"

" What? ", What was he even on about. This guy wasn't even making sense and he wants to check my head. I think he's the one who walked straight first into a wall. And WHY IS HE SMIRKING? SHOULDN'T HE BE MAD AT ME!

" You are single. You got no boyfriend"

" Who said I'm single? I'm not". Okay what happened after i left the stadium? Why is he suddenly on about my 'relationship'.

" Oh then who is it? It's definitely not Mayank. I know that for sure", what's with that mocking tone of his. I'm gonna kill this guy.

Did i say something that gave away my lie? Oh no, i know i blabber when I'm flustered but what did i say that gave away so much? Okay I'm definitely panicking now. What do i do?

" Mayank, i-"

" Oh did you guys break up and you found someone new within couple of hours. Wow, Ish you got some serious game". That bloody smirk of his, it's getting on my nerves, ugh.

" What the hell is your issue Shubman? Are you here to rub it in my face that I'm single? No one's interested in me enough to be in a relationship? I don't have a love life? I'm a fucking loser? Yes, I know Shubman Gill. Happy? You may leave now", i closed my eyes tight willing it all to be a fucking nightmare.

As if, all these years of pining over your friend, heart break upon heart break over your unrequited love, having to hold myself back every time i had an erge to kiss him and all the countless nights I've spent sleepless bothered by him or crying, wasn't enough. Now i need to be mocked and tormented by the bane of my existence.


Why is he whispering? Oh my god! When did he come this close to my face? Why the fuck is he staring into my soul? WHY IS HE STILL SMILING?

"Ish, baby-"

"Shut up Shubman, shut up. You have to stop doing this. I can't i-"

This is pathetic, everything had to happen today. I had to be injured today, my team had to lose in the playoffs, Shubman had to know about my lie and my miserable life and now I'm crying, sobbing in front of him. It would be so much better if i had some serious injury and was hospitalized. For goodness sake now he's cradling my face, does he really see me as a charity case now.

" Ishu, now that you're single, can i be your boyfriend?"

Hell yes, he definitely sees me as some idoit that needs saving. Okay that's it. I'm ending it here, friendship, bond whatever the fuck there was ends here. Deep breath Ishan, deep breath. Open your eyes look him straight in the eyes and stand your ground. No chickening out.

Oh shit, no his eyes are too earnest and for what? This guy really is the death of me. Close your eyes Ishan.

" Shubman, I don't need your sympathy. I can survive without a partner. I've done so far and i can for the rest of the time too". This is not how you planned on replying you idoit. Tell him off ask him to fuck off from your life.

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