Author's Note

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First and foremost, I would love to thank you for taking your time to read this book. I meticulously nuanced this book when I felt most convenient to. It was at this time when I was going through so much. I had reached a point in my life when the urge to end it all was in control. Suicidal thoughts had crept in and it was so devastating. I found it hard to ask for help. So, I did my research on ways of coping and hopefully curbing this situation and I read somewhere that it is helpful to channel this energy into what I like doing. I love to write, so this whole emotion was turned into literature. And that's when "My Death" came to be.

I would also love to thank my family. There is joy in togetherness. The love of family is priceless. As much as there are hardships here and there, the aspect of being there for each other is already enough remedy. I don't take this for granted. Every day I appreciate the wellbeing of my sister, with whom I love with all my heart and soul. I would give the world to her, if I could. My mother, the woman who brought me into this world, I owe everything to her. I want her to know that she gave birth to greatness. That is what I strive for. I want her to be proud of me. I love her. As for my father, I am unfathomably grateful for always being there for me. My dad has always showed me that life is like a puzzle, every day brings with it, new things to be figured out.

Next, is to thank my friends for the mental support. I surely don't take it for granted. This book couldn't have existed if the engagement didn't. The motivation played a very crucial role in the making of this book. Also, the positive feedback is acknowledged. This book has reached a larger audience thanks to you all. As I mentioned, the motivation plays a very critical role in my writing. I wish to assure you that there are more books currently in the making.

I have a dream of being able to reach an even larger audience. To share this art with as many souls as possible. I have a dream of helping a number of souls. To be able to connect with people going through certain hardships in life. I have a dream of building a relationship with people working towards being better selves. To be in a position to inspire a community, a community of hope... hope for a better tomorrow.

This book is dedicated to me, my family, my friends and everyone going through any kind ofdifficulty in life.


Copyright © 2023 by Michael Njihia

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the authors' imaginations. Any resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

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