So my Darling (ss 2)

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'Remember I'll always love you'

Leo hummed, a smile on his soft lips and a hand gently caressing the green head.

'And I la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you'

He sang quietly, eyes stained red and face wet and drained.

'And I la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you'

Michelangelo's blank eyes stared back at him, the blues Leo loved so dearly, washed out and gone.


Mikey, I hope that our memories stay'

A tiny bundle of green, freckled and toothy. A slightly older Donnie, face soft with immaturity and age. Chasing each other around, shrieking and laughing before everything changed.

'And just know that whatever you do'

Before Donnie stopped telling him that he loved him.

'I hope you love me, too'

When Mikey would say it back

'And my heart beats'

Raphael stared blankly at the dummy in front of him, slumped on the dojo wall, zoned out into nothing.

'Stuck in a daze of our thoughts'

He imagined a beaming smile, an orange tipped gaze, soft gentle strong arms.

'And watching me grow to be new'

He remembered watching him grow.

'I hope you love me too'

Raphael slumped his face into his hands, and burst into tears.

'So my darling, so my darling, so my darling'

Leo sang softly, washing his brother's body with careful, light fingers.

'When our hairs are turning grey'

He wished for something to move. Anything to shudder and tremble and breathe.

'Won't even remember our younger days'

He wished for him to breathe.

'So my darling, so my darling'

The frame in his hand was cracked, and Donnie wished to kill himself.

'My baby, my boo'

He remembered when it broke. That day with the squirrelanoids. Where his brother almost died.

You are my best friend

Mikey was smiling in the picture. Donnie was too.

You are my best friend

You're my best friend.

Remember I'll always love you

Donnie let the tears run down his face, and he sighed.

And I la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you

All the words he never said.

And I la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you

All the words he should've said.

'Remember the first day we met, it was you'

Remember the first day we met, it was you.

Talking to miss and I came and saved you

Small little baby, and I came and saw you.

Then our friendship just suddenly grew

Then the love in my heart suddenly grew.

Started talking and then it all blew

Just wanted to love and protect and save you.

Then we went down our separate ways

You went all distant and never looked our way.

Felt really empty and everything changed

Felt really empty and thought everything changed.

We reunited, it felt just the same

But now you're gone, and nothing will be the same.

Now we love in a different way, yeah

How are we supposed to love in a different way?

So my darling, so my darling, so my darling

He should've realised something was wrong.

When our hairs are turning grey

He was the family doctor for a reason.

Won't even remember our younger days, so

He was as good as dead too.

So my darling, so my darling

Raphael my dear, how could you be so stupid?

Baby, my boo

How could you not see?

You are my best friend, you are my best friend

Your brother was dying this whole time.

Remember I'll always love you

Aren't you meant to be the family protector?

I'll always love you (and I la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you)


And I, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-love you

"So my darling, so my darling, so my darling"

Leo kissed his brow.

"When our hairs are turning grey"

His voice was weary and tired, drained from everything he once was.

"Won't even remember our younger days"

It was inevitable.

So my darling, so my darling

He was always such a scrawny, sickly child.

My baby, my boo

The only difference is that there's no revenge to take. No enemy to kill.

You are my best friend, you are my best friend

It's just him, his baby brother, and the unfamiliar, gut-wrenching silence.

Remember I'll always love you

That he will never come to love again. 

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