Chapter 20

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Karishma glared at the man with the white lab coat and white smile who breezed into her hospital room like he owned the place, "Who're you?"

"I'm Dr. Brij Sharma, how are you feeling this evening, Ms. Singh?"

"Where's Dr. Malik?"

"I'm making her rounds tonight"

"How come?"

"I understand the catheter came out today. How was that?"

"Oh, it was great. I hope I get to do it again tomorrow"

The doctor flashed another white smile, "Everything okay now?"

"Where's my regular doctor?"

"I'm a regular doctor,"

And a comedian too, Karishma thought sourly.

Dr Brij Sharma nodded his approval over whatever he read on Karishma's chart, then closed the cover, "I'm glad I'm finally getting to meet the hospital's celebrity patient. Saw you on TV. You had it rough there for a while, but you're making excellent progress"

"Glad to hear it. When can I get out of here?"

"Anxious to be leaving us?"

What kind of sappy question was that? Karishma could have throttled him. She didn't like him or his big white smile. And where was Haseena? Why wasn't she making her rounds? She deserved a night off like everyone else, but why hadn't she mentioned to her that she wouldn't be here tonight? Did she not want her to know?

Roy is released from jail and Haseena takes the night off. It was an unpleasant thought and she hated herself for thinking it.

Her dark expression must have conveyed to Dr. Brij Sharma that he should practice his bedside manner with a more agreeable and appreciative patient. His Colgate smile faltered. "Dr. Malik will make the final decision on your release, but it shouldn't be more than a couple more days. Barring any unforeseen complications," The doctor shook hands with her and left.

"What a turkey," Karishma muttered.

The Chaturvedi's arrived. As promised, Santosh limited the visit to fifteen minutes, but there was no limit to the girls' energy and exuberance.

They brought her chocolate chip cookies that they had baked themselves and weren't satisfied until she ate two. Cheeta had arrived with a shopping bag, "Pajamas. I don't know if they'll let you wear them yet, but you'll have them just in case. I got slippers, too."

Karishma grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it, "Marry me?"

His daughters squealed with laughter and had to be admonished to settle down. They chattered nonstop, and they were wonderful, but they wore her out. She was ashamed of being relieved when they gave her hugs and said their goodbyes.

Santosh didn't talk business until after her family had moved into the hallway, out of earshot. She told Karishma that Roy was again free, "Commissioner wouldn't authorize surveillance on him. And after tonight he's pulling the guards from the hospital"

"You're putting me on alert"

Santosh nodded solemnly, "Watch your back. After tonight you won't be protected by the department"

That was fine and dandy with Karishma. She didn't want police protection, because in exchange for it, she would have to give up her freedom. After hearing the DA's decision today, she concluded that the authorities were no contest for Roy. Jurisdiction was carried out within moral boundaries, and Roy operated under no such restraints.

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