Chapter 7

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"No problem" Karishma smiled and nodded down at her hand, "You're the one who got wet. Allow me?"

She took Haseena's glass from her and signalled a waiter, who not only took away the glass but also provided napkins for Haseena to use to dry her hands. "Thank you," she said to Karishma when the waiter moved away.

"You're welcome. Let me get you another drink"

"I'm fine, really"

"My mom would disown me if I didn't" Mom again, Karishma chuckled in her mind, "Besides, I was about to get one for myself. Please" she motioned toward the bar.

Haseena hesitated, then gave a guarded nod of assent "All right. Thank you"

Karishma took her toward the bar and when they reached it, she said to the bartender, "Two of whatever the lady is having."

"Ice water with lime, please," Haseena told the young man.

Then she glanced up at Karishma, who was tugging on her ear and smiling with a smirk.

"And here I thought I was being so chivalrous by letting you order for me"

"You're under no obligation to let the order stand"

"No, no, ice water is just what I wanted. Tall, cold, and refreshing. March weddings are thirsty work" The bartender slid the two glasses toward her. Karishma passed one to her, then clinked the glasses together, and added "Don't drink it too fast or it'll go to your head."

"I promise I won't. Thanks again."

Haseena stepped away so other guests could get to the bar. Karishma pretended not to recognize a brush-off line when she heard one and fell into step beside her. "I wonder why January and February are big on weddings?"

Haseena looked at Karishma with misapprehension. Karishma didn't know if Haseena was surprised, she hadn't taken the hint and left her alone or if she was confused by the random question.

"What I mean is," she rushed to say, "why do so many couples get married in the winter months when it's so blasted cold?"

"I'm not sure. Tradition?" Haseena offered her observation


"Convenience? Those are vacation months. That makes it easier for out-of-town guests to attend."

"You?" Karishma shifted to the next question, "From out of town?"

Haseena's hesitation wasn't long, but long enough to be noticeable. "No, I live here", although she didn't look all that interested, Karishma told her she also was a local, "Are you here on behalf of the bride or the groom?"

"The groom's father and I are colleagues" Haseena replied

"My mother is second cousin to the bride's mother," Karishma lied, "something like that. Mom couldn't come but felt that someone from our branch of the family... You know how these things go"

She began moving away from Karishma again "Have a nice time. Thanks again for the ice water"

"My name's Karishma Singh"

Haseena stared down at her extended right hand, and for several seconds Karishma believed she wasn't going to take it. But then Haseena reached out and clasped it, firmly, but only for an instant before withdrawing. It didn't give Karishma time to register much except that Haseena's hand was colder than hers, probably from keeping a death grip on her water glass, which she had done since Karishma handed it to her at the bar.

"Did you say Karishma?"

"Yes. And I haven't got a speech impediment."

"That's not a common name"

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