Chapter 15

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"A young woman was in the room with Karu when she was attacked," Santosh said, "she was dead at the scene"

Haseena schooled her features not to show any reaction. It wasn't easy. Mistrusting her voice, she only nodded.

"The forensics are going over the room now. The hotel housekeeper, who'd been a nuisance until this morning, saved her life. She came into Karishma's room with her passkey. If she hadn't interrupted when she did, Karu would have died too."

"Did she see who did it?"

Santosh shook her head, "The bathroom window was left open. We figure he climbed out just ahead of her coming in. She had knocked first. He was scared off"

"So, she can't give you a description"

"Unfortunately, no. And hotel rooms are hell to gather evidence from because hundreds of people come and go through them"

"Footprints outside the window?"

"Blacktopped alley. So far, we have no clues. But hopefully, our techs we'll find something useful"

"What about that?" Haseena asked, pointing to the bagged screwdriver

"We'll get what we can from it"

Haseena wanted to ask her if she had any suspects in mind but was afraid of what her answer would be.

"As soon as Karu wakes up, I'll need to question her, find out what she knows," she said

"I understand, but keep in mind that she fought for her life last night. She'll need rest. I don't want my patient to be agitated"

"I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize Karu's recovery," Santosh said irritably

"I'll trust you not to. Now, I must excuse myself. I have another operation scheduled in half an hour"

"But you look exhausted," Cheeta exclaimed

"I just need some breakfast," She smiled at Cheeta Chaturvedi, whom she had liked instantly, then turned back to the detective, "Obviously you and Ms Singh are more than professional associates"

"Friends. Virtually family."

"Then I'll leave word with the ICU nurses that if you call, they're free to give you an update on her condition"

"I would appreciate that consideration. Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Cheeta thanked her again for saving Karishma's life

The detective said a clipped "I'll be in touch," then punched the Down button on the elevator

Haseena went back into Karishma's cubicle and asked the nurse if she had shown any signs of coming around, "She had moaned a couple of times, Doctor. That's all"

"Please page me when she does. I'll be in the OR, but as soon as she wakes up, I want to know about it"

"Of course, Dr. Malik"

Before leaving, she gazed down at her patient but curbed the impulse to brush a wayward strand of hair off Karishma's forehead.

She showered in the locker room and put on fresh scrubs, then went to the cafeteria on the ground level. She had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and orange juice, but she ate it only because she needed fuel, not because she wanted it or enjoyed tasting the food.

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