Choosing the seductive dress for her

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"What the hell? It's a crime" Ally almost shouted with the sudden shocking news.

"I know that" Scarlett smiled sadly.

"Scarlett, stop acting like......" Ally started when Scarlett jumped in with her shaking voice "I know, either they will give me death sentence or they will try to cure my disease by keeping me on medical treatment for the rest of my life".

"When you knew about the government's decision, why did you do this?" Ally cried, worried for her friend.

"Seriously Ally?" Scarlett uttered. She didn't do it intentionally. No one does. It just happens.

"But she loves Ani Sir. So are you jealous of them too?" Ally asked, not sure of her questioning.

Scarlett scoffed on this cruel question. Why wouldn't she be? "Yeah".

"So do you want to see them apart?" Ally gasped.

"No, idiot. Definitely no. I am lover not a fucking criminal who would love to separate two love birds. I know that..that..Bon loves him and that idiot loves her too. God knows why he doesn't want to accept it. He is just torturing her by not confessing his love and if he troubles her further then I may...I will...seriously break his face" She greeted her teeth.

Ally giggled on her friend. She knows that she's just acting, she will not break his face. Or would she?

"What? Stop laughing on me? I just want to see her happy. That's it. If..if..someone loves anyone who is already commited,'t mean that..he or she will try to break apart her or his life. I really wanna see her happy, if not with me then so be it. Either way, I don't deserve her. Let my story be incomplete. But I swear I will definitely bring that barrister to his senses. Let's see how long he can keep himself away from Bon" she determined.

"What are you going to do now?" Ally asked being confused on which Scarlett smirked.


Within no time the week passed. Today is Saturday. Bondita has already told Anirudh about her plan with her friends.

At first he got completely angry and upset because he thought that Steve would also stay here. But then she explained to him that it is just a girls night out, and then he felt relieved.

To an extent he felt relieved that Bondita wouldn't be alone here and will be safe too. But either way he did not wanted to leave any gap in her safety, so he had already hired a trustworthy guard who would keep watching outside the house in case something went wrong.

"Where is my tie?" he uttered to himself in irritation. Here he was getting late and on the top of that he has to pick Emma too.

Well, he couldn't deny her after her lots of pleadings. It's already 6:30 and he isn't ready yet.He was feeling most guilty about the fact that he had not told anything about this to Bondita.

"Here" came her sweet voice which brought him out of his thoughts.

Taking his tie from her hands he started wearing it. She was just gawking  at him, shamelessly. He was looking handsome. She can bet that no one would be looking more handsome than him at the party.

His gaze fell on her. Well, talking to be true his gaze was always on her. Smirking he uttered "If you want to say something, you can".

"Ji" she gasped, feeling embarrassed of being caught red handed.

Chuckling on her cute antics he bend a little. Woooow! Well he doesn't need to bend now. She almost reaches upto his height. He can't believe, she's growing up so fast.

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