Crush on him?

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Bondita explained the story of her and her Sakha babu's in detail to Ally. She really got amazed while listening it.

"Wow..Looks like you both share a special bond. Will you introduce me to him?" demanded Ally, excited.

"Yeah sure. I will introduce you to him after the school is over" assured Bondita with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah please do that favour for me. Because I think I am falling for my crush" admitted Ally in haze while being in her dreamland.

"Crush? What's that?" asked bondita, totally unaware about this topic.

"When you like someone then you recall that person as your crush" stated Ally, still in her dreamland.

"Well he is like that. Everyone likes him. Her family likes him, whole village likes him. He is a man in true sense" thought Bondita,smiling without even knowing that what kind of like Ally was talking about.

"My heartbeat stops when I see him...."added Ally, still in her dreamland.

Heartbeat stops? Wasn't it definition of love according to those villagers? Bondita still remembers when she used to stay in that hut with her Sakha babu. People used to brainwash her naive mind about love.

According to them crimson red cheeks, stopping of heartbeat were all signs of True love. Bondita denies all those things now because they were deliberately planted in her mind. They were fake. Also she was younger at that time. Thus, molding her mind was easier for them.

Her Sakha babu was the only one who had removed this illusion of her mind at that time. He was the one who removed the darkness inside her with the light of education.

Now she couldn't understand the difference between love and crush. Truth to be said she actually don't know that what is love and what is crush? And She can't ask this question from Ally obviously because of her past experiences.

The last time when she had asked the women of the village about this, she had seen the result very well.

That's why she could not repeat this mistake again. In this matter, she cannot trust anyone except her Sakha Babu.

He is the only person who can explain the answers to her questions correctly and very simply. He is her guide. He is her Shikshak babu. Her true friend.

Within a short time, a new teacher came in the class and he started his lecture. Bondita along with Ally focused on their study and attended the lectures very well after that. While doing so Luch time arrived soon.

"Ally?"Bondita called her. "Yeah" answered Ally.
"With whom you are going to have your lunch? I mean I am going to have mine with my Sakha babu. So...." explained Bondita.

"Don't worry. I will be fine here. I will manage" consoled Ally with a genuine smile.

"Are you sure?" asked Bondita out of concern and guilt. Ally was her first new friend here. She wanted to spend time with her but she couldn't leave her Sakha babu too. She was obviously feeling sad for Ally that she will have to do her lunch here sitting alone.

"I am Sure Bon. Just go" assured Ally.
On which Bondita nodded and left.

In Anirudh's cabin.....

Bondita entered in his cabin while holding a lunch box in her hands only to witness that her handsome Sir was engrossed in some Files while sitting royally on his chair.

"Sakha babu" She said ever so sweetly which caused him to glance at her.

While smirking he asked"Yes Miss Bondita? Any problem?".

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