Chapter 26

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10 year old Victoria and Alice walked home from school both of them laughing about how Alice embarrassed herself in the cafeteria. "Oh come on Tori it's not like you never slipped on your orange juice" Alice huffed and crosses her arm acting mad while Victoria calmed down from her laughing.

"Well one I have never and two you saw the juice spilled on the floor" Alice rolled her eyes pushing her blonde hair behind her ear, while Victoria just grinned. Both of them turning into an allyway to reach Alice's house, Victoria always dropped Alice at her house because she lived in the most dangerous and shitty part of London.

Victoria noticed that her shoe lace is undone and bent down to tie it, little Victoria always had trouble tying her laces so she took a good 2 mins hoping that Alice would wait for her but when she looked up her best blonde friend was nowhere to be found. She grew confused, where would her blonde friend go to in such a short time? "Alice" She called out thinking that Alice is hiding somewhere.

After a while and she searched every nook and corner of the street and there was no sight of her bright loud blonde friend, she bit her nails and tapped her foot impatiently her brain going over millions of what ifs. "Alice where are you?" She whispered to herself walking towards Alice's home absentmindedly on her way there she heard a guy with big beard and moustache talk to a skinny guy who was different from the big jacked guy.

"I think her age is ten, blonde hair looks like child version of  Barbie" The guy was clearly American considering his accent, Victoria hid behind a dumpster and strained her ears to hear them as they spoke in a hushed voice. "Boss is gonna be proud eh?" The skinny dude said with a ugly grin, by this time Victoria knew they were talking about her friend because of the description the jacked dude gave.

She was too young to know about child trafficking so she thought they kidnapped Alice for money, and she knew that Alice's mum didn't have that kind of cash to get her daughter back. The thought of losing her only best friend made her eyes water, so being the stubborn, reckless kid she is, she started looking around her surroundings and saw a blue van parked not far from the men.

She sneakily tip toed to the van and opened it hoping to see only her best friend but to her surprise she saw a lot of kids some her age, some younger and some  older. "Tori!" Alice whispered excitedly her hands tied with a rope, "Get me out of here please I don't wanna be here" She said scared for her life as Victoria nodded climbing into the van trying to untie the ropes while the other kids stared at them with blank eyes.

After a bit of struggle she untied the rope freeing Alice, they both got out of the van and were about to run away but Victoria stopped in her tracks and looked back to the other kids "We have to help them" she said to Alice who thought for a moment before nodding. They untied one kids rope before a chuckle was heard behind them which made them freeze.

"Ah look who we have here Jay a little hero" They bulky guy said with a chuckle which made Victoria want to rip off her ears, "Buy one get one free I guess?"  Jay said taking steps towards Victoria and Alice. "Please let us go we-we won't tell anyone" Alice said with a pleading tone while Victoria was shook with fear, they were ten and did not have a chance against this two guys.

They guy grabbed Alice by the hair as she screamed, "Little bitch" He covered her mouth with his hand and gestures for the other guy to tie Victoria up. Victoria looked around the van frantically searching for any weapons to defend herself, she maybe ten but her mum told her all about these situations.

Spotting a hammer she took it in her shaking hands, the weight of the hammer was too much for her to handle but the heart beating in her ear said otherwise "Aww what are you gonna do hit me? Come one hit me, hit me!" The guy shouted in her face but before he could get another word out a loud crash made Jay's attention snap towards his friend.

Victoria breathed heavily as her the hammer landed on the ground with a thud, Jay who had been tying up Alice paled. His friend lie there unmoving with blood gushing out from his head, Victoria cried silently seeing all the blood made her want to puke the other kids shut their eyes tightly while Alice stared at her raven haired friend in shock.

"You killed him" Jay whispered looking at Victoria in anger who only cried in response and shook her head. He took out a gun from his pant and pointed it at her head, before he could shoot her a bullet pierced through his chest making blood splatter everywhere including Victoria.

She had splashes of blood in her face and clothes which made her cry even more the tears slightly washing away the blood on her face. "The blood on your face really brings out your eyes kid" A gruff voice said making Victoria look at the owner who was smoking a cigar with a gun in his other hand.

"I saw how you killed him only a true assassin could weild a weapon like that" He continued smoking the cigar, Alice freed herself from the not fully done knot and went over to Victoria who was still sobbing into her hands. "What is your name kid?" He asked her in tone which made her reply almost instantly "Victoria R-Reid" She stuttered and when the guy heard her last name his eyes grew bright.

Her trance was broken by a knock on the door, the argument with her brothers resulted in her trying to control her anger and storm into her room so that she doesn't hurt any of them instead she hurt herself by punching the wall. Now she sat with broken knuckles and a bruised soul remembering things that she buried deep into her heart.

After no reply the door opened revealing Victor who had a sad expression, she stared at the wall ignoring Victor who sat beside her with a medical kit. "Give me your hand" He said softly but his request was ignored by Victoria was still staring at the wall in front of her. "When I got the phone call that  you were coming home I felt so happy like a part of me was alive again" He said pausing to see if Victoria's expression changed but it didn't.

"I cancelled the deal the day the business passed over to me from dad, he went on a business trip and will be back soon" He added subtly but Victoria didn't respond nor twitch a muscle, he sighed and continued "Victoria you just returned I didn't want to dump every info on you" He said but before he could continue Victoria gave him her hand without looking at him.

He smiled treating her wounds, it made her want to break down because the only person she allowed to treat her wounds except herself was Marcus. Now seeing him treat her wound with so much care and warmth, she wanted to hug him and cry until there was no tears left.

Tell him all about her past knowing that he wouldn't judge and neither will her other brothers, but it was too early and she didn't want to casually dump all her trauma on them. She couldn't talk about Marcus's death without crying even if it had been two freaking years.

"I'm sorry" He apologized wrapping her knuckles with gauze, making her eyes fill with tears, but she didn't let them out not yet, not now. "I-I'm not a good older brother, father would be so disappointed that I made his Princess hurt and cry" Without warning she wrapped her arms around him engulfing her in his warmth as she cried.

A brother's arms is truly the safest place in the world.

Thank you guys for the reads I'm so grateful for it, I wish I had a brother 🙇🙇😭 Maybe I do? Maybe I should just wait for him 'till he arrives from Italy.

Anyways Love you all to the moon and back! Make sure to stay hydrated sweetie it's burning out there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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