Chapter 25

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2005, February 18

Aria was sitting on the couch of their living room as her sister Grace was talking to her about something. "It isn't safe for her here you know it" Aria shook her head with a concerned expression "Her father and brothers will protect her" Grace laughs sarcastically and pats Aria on the shoulder.

"You still believe that? She will be their only soft spot and their enemies will do anything to take her" Aria groaned softly keeping her hands on her head, she clearly didn't know what to do. Maybe her sister was right? What if her daughter isn't safe here? Aria would do anything to ensure Victoria's safety and so will her sons and husband.

"You can take her to a place no one knows, it'll be just the three of us consider it" with that Grace left leaving a not-knowing-what-to-do Aria behind.

January 11 2020, present

Victoria hung up the call after hearing what she told, so her aunt Grace was reason why her mum took her away? A part of her was grateful to Grace because if she didnt move to London she wouldn't have met her friends especially not him. Okay she gotta pay Aunt dearest a visit, Grace was no doubt jealous of her mum, a perfect family, husband who loved her, a daughter who would die to protect her.

That also makes a perfect motive for killing her mum, she groaned rubbing her head. She's gonna get a headache, getting up from the cliff she went back to the motorbike and drove back to her house. Sneaking back to her room was kind of easy as her brothers were no where in sight, she was about to open her room but noticed that her door was left slightly ajar.

She closed it before she left but why is it ajar? She shook it off thinking it was the wind or one of her brothers, the moment she stepped into her room, the hair on the back of her neck stood up as if she felt someones presence in there. She looked around confused and her brain was in high alert, she reached for her knife under her pillow and started searching her room but found no one.

She fell back on her bed and when took a look at the ceiling, she immediately got up. "The fuck?" She whispered glancing at her ceiling which had a a few sticky notes, saying 'You're next' 'I know you blood moon' and the same two sentences repeating. She removed it and concentrated on the handwriting, it was not familiar so she took a pic of it and sent it to Sam telling her to check.

"Victoria dinner" Scott said coming into her room after knocking seeing victoria looking at the sticky notes keenly "Whatcha got there" He was about to get it from her hand but she crumpled it saying nothing. "Let's go" She pretends to put the notes in the dustbin and leaves her room, he was about to look for it in the dustbin but "It's not there" Victoria called out with a laugh as Scott scratched his head awkwardly and went after her.

Dinner was quiet until Victoria decided to interrupt it "How was the date?" Victor's hand froze halfway and he put his spoon into the soup and looked at her with a nod "He's still lovestruck" Dean whispered in her ear loud enough for all of them to hear.
All of them snorted as Victor glared at him, "It was good we are gonna get married" Victoria nodded "You are guys are gonna get marr- you're gonna get married!" She did a double take and looked at him while he shrugged.

"It was already planned the date was to get to know eachother" Victoria shared a look with the twins who shook their head, silently saying that he is like that. "We didn't even meet her" Victoria pointed out as Thomas laughed nervously "we already met her" Victoria gave them all a glare muttering traitors, "I need to meet her, if you think about keeping your future wife hidden from me then you are terribly wrong" Victoria said as Victor sighed and nodded.

"I'll arrange a meeting with her for you" With a grin Victoria began eating her pasta, "By the way did any of you go into my room?" She questioned as all of them shook their head.  Finishing the pasta on her plate she got up went to her room without a word.

Someone knew she was blood moon, someone who is planning to kill her it may be the same killer who killed Aria and Maggie or it may be a new sprout who thought to take her spot after killing her. Who has all these motives? Grace? Mike? Unknown?.

She took her pout out and clicked on the call button, she scrolled way back and found the contact she searched for. Her finger hovering over the name Grace, her mind was writing a pro and con list "Screw it" She clicked and kept the phone to her ear, sitting down on the rolling chair.

After a while of Grace ignoring her call she picked up, "Hello this Grace Adamson who is this?" Victoria wanted to scoff, she hadn't even saved her number?!. "This is your lovely niece speaking" Keeping the annoyance and irritation at bay she replied.

"Oh yes Victoria" She could sense the annoyance radiating off her tone, "How is living with your brothers?" She questioned making the small talk Victoria always hated, "Super fun" She gave a blunt answer knowing it pisses Grace off. "You know, I have a question" Grace hummed letting Victoria continue "Were you the reason my mum and I moved to London" The line went silent and that gave Victoria the answer.

"Well not really I just suggested it" She always avoided the direct answer, "Why did you do that?" She heard her sigh in the background "Your mum was upset about the deal and wanted to break it so she came to me for a solution" deal? Why was her mum upset about this deal thing? "Oh don't tell me you don't know? Your brothers didn't tell you didn't they honey?" She could see that stupid smug smirk on her makeup filled face.

"No. what is it?" Victoria clenched her jaw as Grace let a audible pause, "When you turn 20 you were supposed to be married off to a big Don or something to ensure the connection? If I remember correctly" Victoria was livid, her brothers didn't fucking tell her that. "Oh I have some work I'll call you later bye honey" She ended the call, Victoria will turn 20 in two years and she's supposed to be married off to a guy who she doesn't even know existed? She loves someone else, she won't marry a slimy middle aged man who is half her size.

She took deep breath after deep breath to calm her down, the one thing that makes her so angry is someone planning her life without her consent, hell she wasn't even informed about it. She slammed her door shut making her way to Victor's office, "Victoria what-" He paused seeing the anger on her face. She is the type of person who remains very calm when she is angry but now she just wanted to punch a wall.

Noah and Thomas were also discussing something with him, "You knew didn't you" She said calmly anger bubbling up inside her, her tone very different to what's she's feeling right now, "Knew what?" Victor questioned getting up from his chair. "Vic are you okay" Noah asked as he and Thomas also made their way to her.

"No! I'm not bloody okay, I just learnt about the deal from someone who is not even my real aunt" She yelled her calmness lost within the anger she's feeling, when she mentioned the deal all of their faces become cold. The rest of her brothers also came hearing her yelling, "Victoria I want you to calm down" Victor said his voice stone cold.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" She said, Maybe past all those anger there is sadness, betrayal that her brothers weren't the ones who told her that. If they did something to stop it she wouldn't have left to London she would've had the best childhood memories filled with happiness and joy not Blood and screams.

Maybe she is just expressing the anger she had for her father on her brothers, the anger for making that deal, the anger that no one dared to say anything to her about it. Maybe all those sadness and grief turned into anger. Maybe.

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