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As I slowly regain consciousness, I find myself in a familiar place, surrounded by warmth and comfort. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I realize lying in my childhood bedroom. Nothing has changed at all, it's all the same as it was 8 years ago, the soft glow of moonlight filtering in through the curtains.

Confusion clouds my mind, as I tried to piece together what happened, but why was I here?

Memories of my fight with Xander came crushing back, the usage of my shadow magic. "My head." I whispered as I tried to sit up.

I suddenly feel a presence beside me. Turning my head, I see her standing there, her ethereal form bathed in gentle light. "Mom." Tears blur my vision as I reach out to her, disbelief warring with the overwhelming relief. She's here, right in front of me, just like as I remember her. I pretty much jump up and hugged her tightly.

"Mom,"I whispered, my voice catching in my throat. "Is this really you!"

I let her go and looked up to her eyes, she smiles, a radiant expression that fills me with warmth and joy. "Yes, my sweet child. I am here."

I pulled her back into the tight embrace, clinking to her scared she'll disappear, but she holds me steady, her presence grounding me in way nothing else can.

We sit together in silence for a while, the weight of world momentarily lifted off my shoulders, and then as it sensing my turmoil, my mother speaks.

"I can see how tired you are." She says her voice filled with sadness. "You've been through so much, in the past 8 years and half.... but yet you are stronger than you think."

I shake my head, unable to hold back the tears any longer. I wasn't stronger, I was barely holding on, I almost killed the man I have come to-to-Gods if only I knew what exactly to call what we are.

"I don't feel strong." I admit my voice barely a whisper as I try to hold on and not break in front of my mother's spirit. "I am scared, mom. I scared....of the unknown, of losing control yet again."

Her touch is gentle as she brushes my tears, her eyes filled with understanding. "It's okay to be scared my sweet child," She says soothingly. "It is all part of life. To feel scared and happiness.... but Kel'enas you aren't alone. You have your brother, your friends, and me. We're here with you and for you, always."

I nod, the weight of her words sinking in. For the first time in what feels like forever, I allow myself to lean into her embrace.

As the darkness of sleep begins to recede, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. My mom's words echoing in my head, a reminder that in the darkest of times, there's always light to be found.

With newfound strength coursing through my veins, I opened my eyes and find myself back in my room. "Mom?" I whispered quietly, but she was gone. I was out of the spiritual world.

As I glanced down at my arm, where the scar from Xander's fireball once marked my skin, to my surprise it was healed, leaving only a small scar as a reminder of the ordeal I've endured.

With a determined resolve, I wrap the bandage around my arm and rise from the bed. The events of the past few days weigh heavily on my mind, but I refuse to let them break me.

"Thank you mom." She might not be here in the world of the living but I am glade she's always around.
As I step into the shower, the warm water washing away the tenants of sleep, I feel a sense of renewal wash over me. I may be battered and bruised but I'm not broken, not yet at least.

With my mother's words echoing in my ears, I know that I can connect on those around me. I'm not alone.

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