Chapter 97 - Girls Trippin'

Start from the beginning

Okay, maybe that was a small lie. I did have something to say about it because I don't like how they have to bring my relationship with MarMar into everything I do. Yes, we're dating. So what?! His ways aren't rubbing off on me. This is the first time I've ever been caught lacking like this. So for them to say that I was acting this way because of him was so annoying to me. They know nothing about our relationship or our dynamics. They're just making assumptions for clickbait.

And to refer to him as "Bad Boy Slim Shady" was annoying too. He's not a bad boy. Sure he has his flaws and quirks, but he's the sweetest man I know. I've never even seen Marshall angry, violent, or mean in any way since the day I met him. The meanest I've ever seen him act was when he yelled at my brother. Even when we had that one really bad argument where he raised his voice, it isn't enough to say that he's mean or a bad boy. And I'm not clueless; He's told me about his wild times and troubled past from back in the days. The man isn't innocent. But the whole bad reputation that they keep forcing upon him is simply not true. And he isn't rubbing off on me. I am my own person who chooses her own actions.

So yea, I was slightly bothered by that, but not to the point that I cared about it. It was whatever. Jo on the other hand was still not happy about it.

"Do you see that? It's a bad look for you, girl. Nothing has happened to you this time, but if you slip up again, there can be consequences. That could cause detrimental damage to your career, like losing modeling opportunities, PR deals, collabs, decreasing your value, sponsorships, all of it. This is the type of shit that gets people canceled and then the fall off to nobodies." She angrily went off on me.

"Jo, it was just one time! I'm not sorry for what I did if that's what you're looking for." I fired back.

"Don't get me confused." She pointed her finger at me, "I didn't say I was mad at you for what you did. I don't care if you fight the bitch again or not. I'm mad you got caught. You're a big deal. You can NOT afford to get caught doing ghetto ass shit. Do that shit in private, take that bitch to the alley if you have to. I don't give a FUCK. But don't you let nobody catch you slippin'. ESPECIALLY when there's hoes out here, like her, praying on your downfall." She yelled at me like the big sister she basically is.

And she's completely right. I hadn't thought about it from that standpoint, but she's right. I need to be more cautious and more careful when it comes to my image. As a professional, I normally keep it squeaky clean at all times, but last night got the best of me. I wasn't thinking about my reputation. I could've easily dragged her to the bathroom or waited until she left out of the back of the club so that there wouldn't be an audience. Because Jordyn is right, that was some ghetto ass shit of me. I'm too classy for that; I'm too paid for that; and I'm too well known for that. I could have opportunities taken away from me, she could sue me if she really wanted to. And that could ruin my name for good. I've got to be more aware of my surroundings , and of who's really watching.

"Okay. I'll be more mindful of that next time." I sincerely told her with full understanding of the situation and its aftermath.

And with that she walked away, making some calls and getting a few things situated regarding this whole ordeal. I, on the other hand, walked back to my room to change into the matching pajamas that Corinna had bought all of us.

 I, on the other hand, walked back to my room to change into the matching pajamas that Corinna had bought all of us

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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