St. Patricks Day

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Walking into the school, Thomas noticed something a little... strange.

He stood at the door and looked at the students going around, and walking by him. He blinked. "Why is... everyone... dressed in green?" He wondered to himself. All of the students had some form of green on them. Light green, dark green, either in full clothes of green or just one article of clothing.

He shook his head, trying not to make any sense of it, and tried to get to his class. He was already late for school anyways and didn't have time to get breakfast.

So, he just walked to his classroom. On the way, he ran into Carter. And Thomas was a little surprised to even see that he was wearing a green shirt. Which, was very surprising given that Carter isn't one to wear anything but black, or gray. Or a very dark gray.

"C-Carter?" Thomas called out to Carter as he walked up to him.

Carter was leaning up to the wall, waiting for his teacher to come to his class, which, was a few doors down from Thomas's. Once he heard Thomas's voice, he turned his eyes. "Oh!" Carter's gloomy expression changed to genuine happiness once he saw Thomas. "Hey Tom," He said, grabbing Thomas into a hug.

Blushing, Thomas hugged back.

"How are you?" Carter asked as he pulled from Thomas. "I didn't see you a breakfast, did you skip it today?" He laughed. "You're stomach is going to be growling like crazy near lunch,"

Thomas just chuckled shyly. "I... Uh," Thomas was about to tell him that he woke up late, but he couldn't help but notice that even more people were wearing green, even the school's staff walking by. Thomas had his eyebrow arched as he turned his head back to Carter. "Carter... Why the bloody hell is everyone green as a leprechaun,"

"Hmm?" Carter asked, tilting his head. "Well, you just said it. It's St. Patrick's Day."

Thomas's eyes widen. "Uhhh... That was today?" Thomas asked, genuinely surprised.

Carter giggled, covering his mouth. "Uh, yeah? What, you forgot?" Carter asked, a small smile forming on his lips. He then looked Thomas over, up and down him. "Wait, you don't got a single speck of green on you-,"

Thomas face palmed. "Fantastic, I can't believe if forgot,"

Carter chuckled.

Thomas sighed. "Well, I gotta head to class, I'll see you later,"

Carter smirked as Thomas started to walk off.

As Thomas passed Carter completely, he felt a sharp pain on his left butt cheek. "YOW!" Thomas gasped. He blinked, then looked behind him at Carter, who was snickering beyond belief.

Thomas blinked. "Did you just pinch my arse?!"

Carter busted out laughing, very loudly. He leaned onto the locker that was hanging on the wall. Blushing, Thomas rubbed his butt.

Carter calmed down, then he looked at Thomas. "Yes Thomas, I just pinched your 'arse'," he giggled, now laughing at Thomas's Britishness.

Thomas pouted. "Ugh," He grunted, then walked away.

Carter giggled. "See you later train-brain,"


Thomas walked into his classroom and noticed Mei, Miriam, Pyria, Abby and Tyler all seated in their seats.

Every one of them was wearing green.

Sighing, Thomas sat at his desk. Abby noticed him. "Hello, Thomas!" She said cheerfully. Then she noticed Thomas's flustered, mixed with an annoyed look on his face.

"Woah, what's with you?" She giggled. The rest of her friends looked at Thomas.

"Carter pinched my butt," Thomas announced bluntly, staring at the board, still having the flustered look on his face.

Abby blinked, and then she laughed. "Wait what?"

Mei giggled. "Why did he do that?" She asked. "He should only pinch you if you're not wearing-," She then noticed. She gasped. "Wait... You're not...?"

Thomas slowly looked over at her.

Mei and her friends looked at each other.

Thomas grunted. "Ugh! I didn't know it was St Patrick's Day okay!" He pouted. "Why it couldn't have been blue, the only proper color," He pouted and crossed his arms.

Miriam giggled at Thomas's antics. "Well, clovers aren't exactly any other color than green,"

Abby giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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