How Thomas and Carter Meet Each Other

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"Today was such a long day..." Thomas muttered to himself as he walked down the sidewalk. How he wishes he has friends to walk with to and from school. But he doesn't. He hasn't made any friends in any of his classes, there is a specific girl he wants to be friends with, the girl who has a similar power to him, but his shy self never likes to talk to anyone most of the time. He sighed as he walked down the neighborhood where his house sits.

As he crossed the street, he only had a few more blocks to walk down. "Almost home. I'm just gonna take a nap once I go ins-" Before he could finish his out-loud thought to himself, he saw someone walking in front of him. Thomas saw them a few feet down and didn't make much not of it. They were walking at a slower pace than Thomas, so he eventually caught up, and saw that it was probably one of the students from his school. "Who's that?" He thought. He had never noticed them before. He figured that they were in a class that he wasn't in. The person had a black bookbag, and what seemed to be semi-long black hair, but there was only so much Thomas could make out since the person's back was to Thomas.

But Thomas didn't want to call out to them, so he just continued to walk. He didn't even speed up to go around the kid, he just stayed walking at the pace he was going before.

There was a pencil that was in the student's bag. A small pouch at either side. One side had a water bottle, and the other, the end of it was a little worn out. So worn out that there was a small hole in the bag. Big enough for a pencil to slide out. And that's exactly what happened. With the person walking, the writing utensil got shaken around until it had fallen out. It bounced on the floor, and the kid didn't even notice.

Thomas stopped at it and looked down at it. It was one of the fancy pencils you'd get at the store. The pencils with a design on the body of it, and feathers at the eraser end. Thomas bent over and picked it up. '...This has gotta be this person's favorite pencil-' He thought. He has a few school supplies that he always uses. His "lucky" pencil if you want to call it that. He most definitely wouldn't want to lose it, so he decided to be a good person, stop being shy, and get the fellow student's attention. Thomas took a deep breath, walked a little faster up to the student, then "Um... Hey..." Thomas said.

The person stopped. "Huh?" They asked, then turned around. It was a boy. His hair was semi-long, and the left side of it was covering his left eye. He blinked at Thomas. "Um... Yeah?" He asked.

Thomas's face went a little red. He wasn't expecting the guy to look adorable like that. Thomas wasn't answering him, so it resulted in the guy just looking confused. The guy looked tired, with his hazy eyes, and had his head slightly tilted. Thomas snapped out of his daze. "U-Um, Y-You dropped this!" Thomas shoved his hands in front of him, but that resulted in him dropping the pencil. "Oh, bullocks!" Thomas grunted then quickly kneeled back down to pick the pencil back up. When he came back up, he saw that the boy was looking at him, looking like he was wanting to giggle or something. Thomas blinked at him. "W-What?"

"You're funny-" He giggled. Thomas's face went a little red. Shyly, he just chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "Wait... is that my pencil?" They asked, and they looked down. "Um... Yeah, it is," Thomas handed it to him. "Where... Where did you find this?"

"Oh, I was just walking behind you, and I saw it drop out of your bag."

"Really?! Thanks so much! I really love this pencil, I need to fix that damn hole," He told Thomas. Thomas smiled. He was happy that he got something he likes back. "So... You new here?"

Thomas blinked. "New?"

The guy nodded. "Yeah. I have never seen you walking here before. You go to Pearson Middle School?" He asked. Thomas nodded. "I have never seen you there either, I'm guessing we must be in different classes then,"

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