Halloween in Toronto

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Today, was Halloween. Thomas's first time spending Halloween with Carter, and his other new friends. Just before the day, Thomas's father had asked him what he wanted to trick or treat as... and he had picked a character from his favorite show.

"You sure you'd want to go as him?" His dad asked, with a chuckle once he had heard Thomas say it. "Your friends probably won't know of it,"

Thomas smiled a bit. "It's fine Dad. I still wanna go as him!"


So now Thomas was looking at the mirror, checking out his costume. He adjusted the tie that went underneath the sweater with the many red question marks, then adjusted the hat that came with the Halloween costume. "Not looking too bad," Thomas said, looking at himself. "This was a rather... nice costume,"

He looked to his left, then reached over and grabbed an umbrella that had a red question mark handle. "I can't believe Dad got me this... this didn't even come with the costume,"

After he grabbed it, he headed out from the bathroom, and out into the living room where his dad was, standing waiting for him.

"Well look at you! This was certainly a very nice costume," His father said smiling.

Thomas chuckled. He just couldn't wait to show Carter his costume and was about to leave, but then, his father quickly ran to the table. "Wait up Tom, you can't forget this-,"

"Huh?" Thomas asked.

His father handed him a tool...

Thomas gasped. "Oh! I almost forgot the sonic screwdriver!" He said. "Thanks, Dad!"

"No problem son," His dad said smiling.


Thomas was walking down the sidewalk, heading to the school. It was afternoon, and the cool autumn air was hitting him, at least the 7th Doctor's clothes were pretty warm.

The entire school was open for Halloween night, so the kids could use it as a hub to safely return after they were done with their trick-or-treating. As Thomas was walking down the street, he felt someone tap his shoulder. "Hm?" Thomas asked, looking next to him. At first, he didn't recognize them, but it was Mei.

"Oh! Mei! You're dressed... as... um..." Thomas blinked, from seeing that she had her panda tail out, and her panda ears on her head. But she had a floofy shirt on.

Mei blinked at him and faced palmed. "I ran out of time okay," She said with a laugh.

"Is that you Thomas?" Said a voice behind them.

Thomas turned to see Tyler approaching them.

"I'm dressed as Batman!" Tyler declared in a raspy voice, leaping between Thomas and Mei. It surprised Mei, and she pushed Tyler. "Hey! How dare you push the Batman!"  Tyler pouted, then directed his attention to Thomas. He blinked. "What are you? The Riddler?" He asked, looking up at down at Thomas. "The Riddler doesn't have red question marks... or... an umbrella..."

Thomas grunted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's because I'm not the Riddler..."

Mei chuckled. "Then what are you?"

Thomas smiled. "I am... The Doctor!"

Mei and Tyler blinked at him.

"...Who?" They both asked confusedly.

"The Doctor! You know, from Doctor Who?"  Thomas explained, but their confusion only deepened. Thomas sighed. "It's a sci-fi British show,"

"Sci-fi? Sci-fi is for nerds," Tyler teased.

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