Walking ... well attempting to walk into calculus I see Aaron sitting in his seat in front of me and Brooklyn already in her seat to the left of me. Smiling at both of them as I sit down, Brooklyn smiles politely before turning her attention to ms Norbury. Aaron turns slightly "new shoes?" "Yeh Regina gave them to me" I smile looking down at them. "Oh I didn't realise you two were friends" Aaron mumbles turning around to ms Norbury. "Thursday ... ok who was awake ... who was still awake?" I laugh seeing Brooklyn drop her head to the table.

After school I met up with Janis and Damian as we sat against the tree. They asked me about Aaron and Brooklyn. I told them how Brooklyn really doesn't give me any vibes that she likes me even though I think she's fucking hot. I told them how Aaron makes me nervous ... how I have the most awkward conversations with him. How I asked him if he liked gum... then didn't have any to give him. How he complimented my shirt ... then I told him how it smelt like sausage. And the only time I was a functioning human being when he asked me what day it was and I replied October third. Today tho after ms Norbury rambled on about Thursdays lesson I faked being stupid hoping he would help me which he did. "Wait wait hold up... you pretended to be dumb so you could keep talking to a guy?" Janis asks me as she sews into her drawings. "Yeh ... it worked" I reply proudly. "Cos that shit always works Cady doesn't mean it's not evil" Damian then taps me on the arm "aren't you worried Regina is going to find out?". I sigh "she's not going to find out. It's just my little calculus class secret. She also thinks I'm over my crush on Brooklyn so all is right in the world. I was however caught out today when I was playing dumb and my test results came back with a 96".

Brooklyns PoV

"Are you going to Chris's Halloween party?" Nat asks me as we head out of school for the day. "Em ... I mean I was invited but I wasn't planning on going. Are you going?" I ask wondering if I should go ... Regina will be there. "I'm surprised your not going seeing as your fuck buddy will be there" Nat scoffs as we approach my car. "She's not my fuck buddy you know fine well she's more than that" I point climbing in the drivers seat. "I just don't get how you can trust her again rooky. I don't buy it" Nat shakes her head throwing her bag in the back. "She's just different this time. She's not dating Aaron or Shane... she told me she loves me" I look at the steering wheel feeling Nats stare. "Regina George ... told you ... she loves you? Was this in the middle of sex or just after?" She asks shocked. "I mean ... she's said it a few times now... normally at the end of sex but yeh she's said it just randomly ... like one time we were watching a movie and cuddling" I look up at my friend who is truly gobsmacked. "Ok maybe she has changed" Nat laughs as I smile and lean my head against the head rest. "I just don't want to see you hurt rooky. You're my best mate and I care about you... god that felt awful to say" we both laugh at her freaking out. "I care about you too. She promised me she wouldn't mess me around this time. And if she does then ... that's it ... I walk away" I turn and look out the window hoping it doesn't turn out like that. "Is Regina expecting you at the Halloween party tonight?" Nat asks me changing the subject ... well kinda. "No I said I wasn't going. It's less tempting" I laugh as Nat screws her face up "I don't need to hear about it. Why don't we go and get you a sexy Halloween outfit and we can surprise her... I'll even stay with you so you don't out yourselves to the school". I smile at my friend truly thankful that I have a friend like her "you'd do that for me? You must really care about me" I smile turning the ignition on. "Oh behave yes your alright now come on it's party time" she cheers as I pull out of the parking bay.

Regina's PoV

Pretty girl 🩷 - can I come over after the party? Xxx
Ro 🤍 - I don't think my mom would appreciate a drunken booty call for her daughter at god knows when xxx
Pretty girl 🩷 - not a booty call. I just want to sleep next to you. I hate sleeping alone now xxx
Ro 🤍 - ok pretty girl you message me when you're nearly here and I'll sneak you in xxx
Ro 🤍 - no funny business though xxx
Pretty girl 🩷 - I will try my hardest baby... your just so tempting xxx
Ro 🤍 - don't work me up when your off to a party and not coming here xxx
Pretty girl 🩷 - I'll be thinking about you. Right I won't be long at the party then I'll be over to yours. Keep that bed warm for me xxx
Ro 🤍 - see you soon pretty girl xxx

I smile placing my phone in my purse and quickly scanning over my outfit. An angel outfit, not your typical white angel but silver. Finishing the last touches of make up I scan myself over in the mirror. I wish Brooklyn could come to the party with me and we could dance and have drinks and just be a normal couple. Even though we aren't a proper couple yet. I go to pack a quick change of clothes to take to Brooklyns when I notice her hoodie isn't here. "What the?" I ask confused as I look through my closet. Walking down the stairs I bump into my mom "honey! You look amazing! What's Brooklyn wearing? Is she going as the devil?" My mom excitedly asks. "Mom have you seen Brooklyns hoodie? The one that was in my closet?" I ask changing the subject back. "Nope. Definitely not honey. I'm sure it's somewhere though. Are you staying over there tonight?" She asks as I look at the ground. "Yeh mom I think so. If you see the hoodie can you leave it on my bed for me please?" I smile slightly at my mom. "Of course honey now send me a pic of you and Brooklyn" she cheeses as I laugh at her excitement. "Mom we aren't even dating" "mhm so you say. Iv never seen you this happy Regina. The walls also aren't that thick" I roll my eyes and smile thinking about how happy Brooklyn does make me. Hearing a horn honk outside I walk over to my mom placing a kiss on her cheek "bye mom" "see ... that's why I love Brooklyn you never would have done that before! Have a nice time honey" my mom shouts as I leave the house.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Queen B's secret जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें