morning run and a little date

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resume: harry invites you out... i'll let you read, cause there's not much to say.

also we're imagining a 2017, very short haired harry, so y/n doesn't know who he is ok?? thx

word count: 2100

harry would never grab a coffee on his morning run, he wouldn't drink one until he's eating breakfast, but about a month or two ago something changed.

he's on his usual morning run and as always he stops outside the little coffee shop on the corner of his street.

you've been working there for a bit over half a year now and you couldn't have asked for a better job as you study in london. you love the early morning shifts, since no one goes in there if they're in a hurry, so the shop is simply filled with happy morning people.

it's also never busy, so it's only you and your friend molly who have these early morning shifts until 10 o'clock, where christopher comes in to join the two of you.

the second molly asks you if you think that hot running guy will come by again this morning, the door opens and in he comes.

molly has been teasing you about him forever and yes, he's so hot, but he looks to be a bit older than you and he's never been more than just friendly. molly is sure he's in love with you and she keeps saying she knows him from somewhere, but you believe she's just teasing you.

harry's nervous already, he even told his mum about the fact that he's seen the prettiest girl in a coffee shop and still goes in to buy a coffee every weekend and she of course just told him to go for it, but you don't seem very interested and he's always too scared to actually say something.

"good morning!" you smile kindly at him and get ready to make him his usual americano.

"good morning." harry smiles, just happy because of your joyful energy. "could i have an americano?"

you smile, loving that you know your customers well enough to know their usual. "of course, anything else?"

"a phone number or a date maybe?" molly joins you at the counter and smiles friendly at harry. "with her of course, not me."

your cheeks turn red and you're about to smack molly in the head for embarrassing both you and harry like that.

harry stands there not saying anything, not really knowing what to say, until he gets out of his head again and starts chuckling. "actually, yeah. a phone number would be great."

molly quickly walks off, making you handle the rest on your own and when harry hands you his phone, all you can do is give it back. "you don't have to do that, i'm sorry she said all of that."

you're embarrassed for life and ready for harry to leave, so you can get proper angry at molly.

"no, i wa- i mean if you want, i'd want to have your number."

molly can't keep the smirk off of her face as she starts making harry's americano.

"oh, oh my god okay. yeah, i'd like that as well." you're shocked that this man actually wants anything to do with you.

this time you actually put your name and number in his phone and then give it back. "i'll text you!" harry smiles brightly and molly comes over with his cup of coffee, but it's too late, since harry's already out of the door and rushing down the street.

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