Chapter 6 - Revelations

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Rashmi put some space between them and said, "Only a fool will think that she is doing all this for me. If she really considered me as her sister then..". Rashmi took deep breaths unable to talk more and controlled her emotions to not feel weak infront of this man and subconsciously rubbed her left forearm where the scar was present. Dakshesh's eyes softened on seeing her act. Without speaking more, Rashmi left the place to go back to her chamber in the residence.

On the other hand, Charu reached her chamber and cried while resting her head on the couch armrest. Damini came to her and asked in panic, "Rajkumari! What happened?". Charu replied, "I cannot handle this guilt anymore. Whenever I see her scar, it pricks me that I'm the reason behind her pain". Damini consoled her and said, "It's not your mistake Rajkumari. Tell me, Did you go and ask Rajkumar Dakshesh to love you and choose you as one of his Unofficial wives?". When Charu nodded in no, Damini smiled and said, "Love is something that just happens. If he fell for you then how can you control it. And moreover, take an example of me. Didn't I go against my sister when the need arose. Likewise Please keep a boundary for your sister and don't let her control every aspect of your life".


After Dakshesh informed Agneya about Samrat waiting for him, Agni came out of the academy to see Samrat waiting for him. Agni greeted him and then Samrat said, "I'm here to take you somewhere". Agni nodded and looked around for any horse or Chariot as they used it to come here while joining the academy. Instead he saw Samrat opening a magical portal and entering it. Following him, Agni also entered the portal and came infront of the old Gate which was rusted and covered by creepers.

Samrat said, "While telling you about this Academy, I told you that this third ring of the hill is important for two reasons. One is the Academy and the other is this Gate. The building might look small but what it holds inside is very big and unimaginable".

Agni remembered what was told by Samrat about this gate.

Flashback (from Chapter 4)

Agni frowned at that and said, "If no spawns are locked in there, then why is it locked for so many years?". Samrat explained him, "This door which is locked by our ancestors for almost 10 generations, is getting weaker and weaker now. It can be opened only by that member of the Royal family who possess the immortal blood, like your mother".

Agneya was shocked as he understood the complexity behind this simple statement. Samrat continued, "Now you got to know that there are five elemental powers and Kingdoms in this realm. Approximately 10 generations ago, there were some other powers existed together in one Kingdom which was seperated from Pranyakta by water surrounding it from all sides. It was an island. The Kingdom was home to all Asuras with 5 different powers like, mind-control, hypnotising, controlling shadows, Changing their appearance like someone else and the most powerful of the five, pulling half of your strength and use it against you when you fight against them"

Agni had a hard time believing that a whole new land of Asuras existed but the existence of Pranyakta which he never knew a few days ago, made him believe it. Samrat continued, "Since those Asuras troubled our people a lot, One of our ancestors who possessed the immortal blood, locked them all behind that old gate. And their Island submerged under water. The information is passed on to all successive Kings that at some point, the door will be broken and the submerged land will rise again. But to destroy it altogether, only the Royal born with the same immortal blood can accomplish it".

Agneya continued, "So My Maa had that blood but after getting marked by my baba, who was a mortal, she lost that speciality in her blood as well as her powers?". Samrat nodded and said, "You are right. After she was born, one of the Acharyas from the Pranyakta Academy who came to see her, had attempted to kill her. We captured him and suddenly we were surrounded by more such people who were not in their own minds. It was as if they were puppets controlled by someone else".

Samrat continued, "That was the reason why I used the door to bring my wife and daughter to the other world. After a day, we were able to discard all such spawns controlled by those Asuras. By then only I got to know that the lock of the door has weakened and since that Acharya went near the gate and touched it out of curiosity, he got captured by them under mind-control. I somehow made up a story for everyone else that he got greedy about the power and throne and so attacked my daughter who possessed all 5 powers".

Samrat looked at Agneya and said, "Agni, you have been asking me about what is our problem for which I needed you here desperately, didn't you? This is the problem I was talking about. The Asuras locked behind that door. You are the one that can destroy them forever". Agneya asked in surprise, "You mean, I possess that immortal blood like my Maa?". Samrat nodded and said, "Yes, It is called Immortal blood because it can make the Asuras immortal if they were able to kill the person possessing that blood, and thereby destroying the chance of any other descendants of that bloodline getting that ability".

Samrat kept his hand on Agneya's shoulder and said, "All our lives are now dependent on you, Agni. Not everyone from the Royal Family of Pranyakta possess this blood. I don't have that special blood in me. That's why I can't do that. When you placed your hand on the Rule Book 'Pranyaka' and it glowed showing that you have all 5 powers, it also printed your name within the book after your mother's name. The third name in the list of persons possessing immortal blood. That confirmed my instinct that you are the one to complete the incomplete task".

As Samrat was about to leave, Agneya said, "I understand the reason why you couldn't bring back my Maa back to this realm, as she became a normal mortal person. But what was the reason for you to abandon and never visit her again?".

Samrat stilled in his place and said, "I'm bound by the rules of the Kingdom, as their King. You will know it when you will ascend the throne". Saying so, he left the place leaving Agni to his thoughts. Agneya stood there still looking at the old door.

Flashback end

Samrat told, "This place is announced as forbidden land so that no one who joins the academy comes here. The main reason is that these asuras have powers to control their minds and get their work done through them. So we wanted to avoid any kind of chances for that. None of the Kings even know that the power of our ancestors which locked this door is getting weaker and weaker. They don't know anything about how this should be destroyed forever to remove the threat altogether. Meghnath is the only one apart from me, who knew about this".

Samrat - Emperor
Samragyi - Empress
Rajkumar - Prince
Bratashree - Brother
Bhabhishree - sister-in-law
Acharya - Master/Teacher
Mamashree - Uncle (Mother's Brother)
Mamishree - Aunt (Mother's brother's wife)
Bade - elder or big
Chote - younger or small


Hi guys,

The update is here. I was trying to update since Friday but completed the chapter today only.

Hope you like the chapter.

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Agneya - The Unknown KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora