Bitter Mornings

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After a while of keeping Craig down from jumping up and kicking Kenny's ass, you got up off of him so he could run upstairs and grab a few movies for the boys to watch. You returned to your seat between Stan and Kyle, before quietly yawning into the palm of your hand. How did these boys still seem so active and able to stay up longer? You were already getting to your wits end, you had no idea how much longer you'd be able to stay awake with them. 

Craig returned with the few movies in his hands, and named out a few of them to see what the general agreement would be on the movie to be picked. It seemed like there were more votes to watch Paranormal Activity compared to the other two movies in his hands, which were The Forest and The Conjuring. So it looked like you guys were only given horror movies to choose from. 

He took the DVD out of the case, and played around with the DVD player, before placing the disc inside of it, and grabbing the remote from the coffee table. He softly ran his thumb over the buttons of the television remote, pushing the buttons that would start the movie, and skipping through the advertisements that came before the movie. After a minute or two of skipping through the trailers of up and coming movies, or ones that are out on DVD now, it finally reached the title screen for the movie. Craig pushed play, and the movie had begun. 

Thankfully you've already seen this movie a few times, so the cheap jump scares weren't something that would frighten you. Unlike the scary stories you all told each other, that one was just way too good of a scare. The only issue you seemed to be facing tonight now, was keeping yourself awake to stay up with the boys. Occasionally you'd take drinks from your now room-temperature water, thinking that it would wake you up for some reason. 

Kyle had looked to his side, seeing that your eyes were having trouble staying open, and you swayed very softly. A dark blush tinted his cheeks as he had an idea, but was absolutely worried about executing that idea. He couldn't help but get butterflies in his stomach seeing that you were still cuddled up in his jacket. Wasn't sure why, but just the thought of you wearing his jacket was just so attractive. He saw as your body was starting to lean back, and was more worried about you falling backwards and hitting your head. Swiftly, he snaked his arm around your shoulders, and pulled you close to him. 

Instinctively, you snuggled up against his side, and rest your head on his chest. Your eyes were shut, and your breathing was slowing down as you were drifting off to sleep. His face was sure a bright red, and was not expecting you to actually snuggle into him, but he wasn't going to complain about this at all. His heart felt as though it were going to beat out of its chest as he felt your warm breath against his shirt, the warmth your body had also provided against his side. It felt right to him, he felt at peace, at ease that he had you in his grasp. In his arms, he knew he could protect you and keep you safe. Okay... maybe he was getting a crush on you. This was going to be so hard for him to admit, he was in denial that it was a crush; assuming it was just because you were an attractive girl. 

"I can move her to her room if you want." Craig offered Kyle, seeing that he was being used as a pillow and a support to hold yourself up. "I know having a human lean on you can get exhausting." 

"I'd hate to wake her." Kyle looked over at Craig, as he responded with a slight frown cornering his lips. "I don't mind this at all, really." He assured Craig, giving him a slight nod in his direction. 

"Th-thank you." Tweek twitched nervously as he turned to look at Kyle now, too. "Y-you healed her ACK-! I don't think sh-she noticed." He grinded his knuckles against each other as he looked at your peaceful face, the injuries were definitely gone. 

"Gross, Kyle's going to get AIDS now. First sharing his jacket with her, and now she's practically fucking you, dude." Cartman made a face of disgust. "Serves you right for being a Jew, but c'mon Kyle I thought you had standards." 

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora