Damien: Forgive me ! I love you just can't say because of my rudeness!

Another bullet shots Damien from back

Damien: Forgive me I have to shoot your Dad , because I want you to live !

Damien takes out his revolver and shoots six bullets of his revolver to the Mafia King who also shoots 4 more to Damien.

Mafia King is dead !

Damien collapsed in Mira's arms and Mira sits down in shock with body of Damien in her arms .

Damien collapsed in Mira's arms and Mira sits down in shock with body of Damien in her arms

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After few minutes, all come Running to them !!

Sunaina: Mira!!!

Romeo: Devesh!!!!!!

Siddharth: Fast ! Ambulance!!!

Karthik arranges an Ambulance in minutes..

In Hospital..

Aurora: Everything will be okkk!!

Adrian: Yess!! Devesh can't leave us !!

After the operation theatre light goes off..

Doctor *comes out*: We have saved him after six bullets have been shot to him ! All the bullets can be taken out successfully and after 1 month you can take him back!!

All the Mafia sisters hugs Mira in joy , Mira bursts out in tears after her shock ended !

The 4 other brothers and sisters hug each other and starts crying in joy .

Romeo : The Day he will return I will throw the world's biggest party!

Tears fell down from the eyes of Siddharth, Karthik and Shreejita too..

Siddharth: I am glad Damien,  You made it !

Mira : Can I see him now!!

Doctor: Yes ! Sure!!

Mira enters the room and sits beside Damien.

Damien smiles.

Mira: Idiot!! Get well soon !

And at the sunset point the sunset takes place with touch of a reddish aura signifies the true  love can't be dead!

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And at the sunset point the sunset takes place with touch of a reddish aura signifies the true  love can't be dead!

And at the sunset point the sunset takes place with touch of a reddish aura signifies the true  love can't be dead!

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