I wasn't sure why I would get through one obstacle only to be faced with another immediately after. It was becoming exhausting. I started to wonder if I was reason. But deep down I knew I wasn't.

As much as I hated to admit it. My dad was right. This was the price of fame. The life I so desperately wanted came with this herd of obstacles no matter how much good energy I put out.

Now wasn't the time for me to get discouraged or have a pity party I've been through much worse. So what, people have confirmation on something that's been rumored for years? It didn't change how I felt about myself or the people who loved me felt so, why should I care?

My phone began to ring and I grained looking don't to see it was my mom. This could go one to two ways. I could get cursed out or comforted, but considering I hasten talked to her in a few days I'll suspect the latter.

"Hey mama.." I said as I answered anyway. I knew if I didn't answer she would just show up.

"Baby?! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah I'm fine mama . What did you hear?" I sighed. "Angie told me something about some scandal going on but didn't go into detail. I just wanted to make sure my baby was okay.."

"I'm fine mama, I promise. Just a little annoyed, but Yvette is handling it. It'll blow over soon.."

"Alright that's all I wanted. I needed to hear your voice. I really needed to lay my eyes on you but I didn't think you'd want company right now." She replied.

"Yeah I just want to counter as if it's any other day.." I sighed. She started to tell me words of encouragement before letting me know she would bring me my favorite food later in the week.

I ended our call and then sat back on the couch. I decided to watch something to distract my mind.

"I was looking for you.." I heard Michelle's voice and I looked up to see her wearing one of my t-shirts and wrapped in a blanket.

I smiled at the sight of her as I nodded and patted the spot next to me on the couch. We sat in watching the t.v, until I glanced over at her and noticed her holding her head while looking like she was about to throw up.

"Are you hungover?" I asked. "Is that what this is?" She asked and I nodded before getting up.

We walked into the kitchen and I handed her a Gatorade, along with a few advil for the pain.
"The best cure for hangover is greasy foods but I can't cook so.."

"It's okay..what even happened last night?" She groaned. I started explaining the chain of events and her face went from shock to mortifying.

"It's not as bad as it seems. It was your first time getting drunk." I shrugged. "I'm so sorry that's so embarrassing.." She rested her hand on her hands. I walked around the island and rubbed her back.

"Trust me everyone has an embarrassing drunk moment once in there life. It's fine, baby girl." I smiled before leaning forward to peck her lips.

"What was that for?" She blushed.

"Last night you wanted a kiss but you just finished throwing up so you were kind of sad."

Her eyes lit up for a split second until she ducked her head to hide her growing blush. She took a sip of her Gatorade and I slowly backed away as I grabbed one for myself.

I kept my back to her as I sipped the Gatorade. I hated when our affectionate moments turned awkward. There were times when we'd be practically in each other's skin or openly flirting using obvious innuendos and never question it.

But then there were times like these where'd we were both left feeling embarrassed. Almost like we crossed a boundary. When in reality, it wasn't a logical feeling considering we share a bed every night since she's lived here.

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