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Wednesday - 4:57 pm

"Okay, okay damn! I know how to adjust a microphone, Giselle

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"Okay, okay damn! I know how to adjust a microphone, Giselle.."

"I'm just trying to help your ass Piaget!" I yelled back. "I know you're not in there cussing, Beyoncé!" I heard my Mama yell from outside of the booth.

Of course, she only heard me.

"Whatever fix the thing by yourself," I said as I walked out of the booth. This is what I get for trying to help my little sister and then allowing half the family into my studio to watch.

The only reason I agreed to this was because she asked me yesterday after I finished hanging out with Michelle. I was still on a high from kissing her, so I probably would've said yes to just about anything.

I stood at the mixing console, my fingers dancing across the controls with practiced precision as I prepared myself for Solange to lay down the vocals.

Once I queued up the track, the opening chords filled the air with a soulful melody. I gave Solange the cue to start and watched as she took a deep breath, her voice trembling with emotion as she prepared to sing.

As the music swelled around her, Solange closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the rhythm and flow of the song. With each note, her voice soared, weaving a tapestry of sound that was both haunting and hypnotic.

I watched intently from behind the glass, her eyes shining with pride as she listened to my sister's voice fill the room. With a subtle nod of approval, I adjusted the levels, fine-tuning the mix to perfection.

I couldn't have been prouder of her. Solange was so talented and I loved how confident she was in that. She never let anyone tell her who she was and continued to thrive in a lane on her own.

As the final notes echoed through the studio, I knew we had captured something truly special. With a smile of satisfaction, I leaned back in her chair and playfully brushed off my shoulders as everyone clapped for Solange.

"In one take! You really my sister" I exclaimed as I wiped my fake tears. Solange grinned back at her sister as she walked out of the booth.

"Thanks, Bey. Couldn't have done it without you." She smiled and gave me a hug before quickly kissing my cheek.

"Ew! Way to ruin the moment," I said as I wiped her kiss off me.

"Play it back Bey.." My mama said and I nodded before playing it back.

The song played back and I heard some parts I wanted Solange to go over again. As well as some tweaks I could make and where she couldn't add background vocals.

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