[Ch 2, Act 3] 'Til the end.

Beginne am Anfang

Rizette swings her sword, as the shards begin to separate once again. Unexpectedly, it reaches the man and whips him on the face, leaving a huge scar on the man's face

"Yo, pussy, the fuck is your name?" — Rizette asked

"Murayama, remember the name, I'll be the one to set your guts on fire." — Murayama chuckles as he charges at Rizette, landing a barrage of punches on her.

Rizette looked down at Murayama, unfazed of Murayama's flame punches

"Well, this is just too cliché, I'm way too powerful, for you to even hurt? You should be punching like this!" — Rizette lands an extremely hard blow on Murayama's face, busting six of his teeth out.

Rizette stretches her leg up and smashes Murayama's head into a pulp. Her whip began to spin around her arm, transforming into her bracelet.

"That was boring as hell." — Rizette said

However, the brawl was not over, as heaps of dark knights began to show up once again, towards the gates of Shitosan.

"Guess I have the opportunity to show off, today. Watch this, golden guards." — Rizette glared at the huge army, as she charged at them

Rizette summons two of her whips and dual wields. She began to whip the dark knights, as the shards of the whip leave a huge cut on the skins of the dark knights.

The dark knights attempted to apprehend Rizette, but she was too strong to hold. Two dark knights try to grab her from behind, but Rizette jumps and split kicks the dark knights down, whilst making her whips dance on the faces of the knights.

Rizette then turns her whips into bracelets once again and chains the dark knights down.

Rizette chuckles, as she mixes the two whips together, to make a whip with 10,000 shards of a blade. She swings this whip and annihilates the entire army of dark knights, cutting them in half. Approximately killing 1,300 men.

Rizette fixes her hair, as the golden guards clapped for Rizette. Rizette smiles at the guards and slings herself back into the city, with her whip.

Eventually, she returns to the hospital  and enters it, heading to the ER, where Ruru and Haruna are.

"The other elites are coming, Syu, hang in there... They're coming for you" — Ruru reassures Syu, as Syu was covered in bandages

"I took care of the guy that punched you, he won't be bothering anyone ever again." — Rizette said, as she smiled

"G-Guy..? B-But, I wasn't punched by a guy... I was blasted off by a girl, and I was blasted off from the Kamisato faction, to the walls of Shitosan.." — Syu struggled to explain.

The three froze as Rizette began to think once again...

"Well, shit, I'm blocked... That doesn't make sense..." — Rizette failed to think of an answer as to what happened.

Soon, a portal opens inside the room, as Inzagi, Hecate and Sumiko run to Syu.

Sumiko immediately hugs Syu gently, and asks if she's okay. Syu nods and kisses Sumiko on the forehead.

"W-Who's that...?" — Syu points at Inzagi

"A-Ah, I'm Inzagi Rier, ma'am... You must be lady Syu! It's an honor to meet you, the greatest bladed fan user!" — Inzagi replied as Syu chuckles from his flattery, as Syu shakes Inzagi's hand

The three stay silent from Sumiko's presence. However, Sumiko smiles brightly and hugs the three of them tightly. Inzagi and Hecate were pleased to see the four reunite their hearts onto each other once again

Rizette carries Sumiko and hugs her tightly, as Ruru and Haruna hugged both of them. The four chuckled and teared up, from the situation they were previously in, as each of them apologized towards each other, filled with sincerity.

"I'm so happy to have you guys back... Now, let's find out what happened to Syu" — Sumiko smiles as the three nod

"Syu, what did the girl look like?" — Sumiko asked

"She... Blinded me, with a grenade and just showered me with hard punches, and soon blasted me off with something, I assume it was a jet... Burning my skin off..." — Syu explained, as she looked at everyone

"Well, we promise that we'll be taking care of this, and avenge your precious skin." — Sumiko smiled brightly, as she hugged Syu

Suddenly, an alarm goes off the entire city, as the six were alerted.

"Syu, we have to go for now! Get better soon!" — Sumiko says, as Syu nods. Hecate opens a portal and the six goes through it, teleporting them onto the top of the forcefield walls of Shitosan.

"This is SMK, kindly initiate ultra security in every home, and let the saber droids out, to patrol the area, along with the Ao Soldiers." — Sumiko whispered to her wrist, as metal bars began to cover every structure in Shitosan, completely, making no one get in or out.

Red smoke once again began to mist out the distance, on the green grass outside Shitosan's walls. Inside the smoke was a familiar man wearing a former friend's armor

"It's him..." — Sumiko grips onto her blade, as Inzagi and Hecate glared at Xeno.

"and a huge army, too." — Rizette replies

"Everyone gear up, it's about to get fucking wild, up in this bitch." — Rizette orders, as she glared down at Xeno.

"Surprised by my sudden appearance, aren't you, Sumiko? Pfft, it's only been a day since our battle, but it'll take you an entire lifetime, to bring me down." — Xeno chuckles as he held the head of Ruminasu, covered in dirt, implying that he dug Ruminasu out.

"I'll fucking kill you, Xeno. Mark my words." — Inzagi whispered as he looked down on Xeno.

The battle shall begin.

A Glimpse of Necessity (Elite Rendezvous Arc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt