Pregnant au 6

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I followed the pair to the living room and Ivy walked into another room while Harely sat down on the couch and pulled out three board games from her bag. "Wanna play one of these pudding?" Harely asked, I nodded and grabbed the space one, my core ached for space, I've had no time for fulfilling my obsessions and it hurt. "Hey pudding? You okay, you were making a face." Harley said
"What? Oh, I haven't had time to really care about my obsessions and do the things I usually to do, it's fine, it just hurts a little." I said
"Obsessions?" Harley asked
"Yeah, that's what they're called. We all have them, most people have two but some only have one, or can have more." I explained "Mine are space and protection." I said proudly
"We can go star gazing once it gets dark, if that helps?" Ivy asked as she walked back in, offering me a tray of fruits and vegetables which I took eagerly and ate. I thought about it, I usually liked actually flying up to space but that would be okay for now
"Doesn't Crime Alley have light polloution?" I asked,
"Oh," Ivys face fell,
"There's an abandoned observatory nearby?" Harley offered
"Everything'll be broken Harls." Ivy said
"I could probably fix it, it would be great." I said excitedly
"See! Problem solved." Harley said happily "Are we going now? I've needed to walk the Hyenas." Harley said
"Hyenas?" I asked
"We'd be going outside with lots of rouges newly escaped." Ivy said, like Harley hadn't just said HYENAS, not even hyena, no hyenas, plural, Harley had multiple hyenas.
"We'd protect him!" Harley said "All of Hoods goons and by extension other goons probably know Dannys under Hoods protection, besides, he'll be with us! We can protect him." Harely said
"What about gas attacks? This house is almost air tight, it we wear masks we'll be fine, but I don't want those chemicals near a baby." Ivy argued, Harley frowned
"He'll probably be fine, it probably won't even happen! The baby will just have some immunity." Harley said
"Harley this kid isn't a native Gothamite! He won't have immunity! Imagine how scary a gas attack must be for someone not from Gotham, besides, what if it affects his species badly." Ivy said, I saw both of them open their mouths to start yelling
"Uh, guys?" I asked, they both turned to me "Have you noticed I'm not breathing?" I asked.

I probably should've given them some warning, but the look on Harleys face was worth it. She really exaggerated everything. Ivy was the first to do anything other than stare at me
"Is it- are you- is that- is not breathing normal? Are you okay?" Ivy asked,
"It's normal." I reassured, Harly breathed out a sigh or relief
"Don't scare us like that sugar." she said
"Sorry." I apologised
"But!" Harley went right back to her normal attitude "This means I win! We're leaving now."
"Okay." I agreed "Let me change." I said, and I ran to my room.

The new binder was better than my old one, it's not covered in my sweat and blood (both new and old) and it wasn't dirty. It was also made 0f a more comfortable fabric with the seams not scratchy. I put on the black track pants and a black tshirt with an astronaut floating in space on it in white, the clothes Spoiler had brought me. After putting on the socks and shoes (I learnt my lesson about wearing shoes when you walk outside, I have a scar from an ectoray on my foot to prove it) I walked out to where Harley and Ivy were waiting.

I followed them outside and walked down the street in between them, some drunk guy came up and they beat him up for me. I felt like a kid with his moms, and again I was reminded of how much they were like Jazz. Minus the pet hyenas.

Soon we arrived, I gasped as I saw the telescope, it was beautiful. I ran up to it and started fixing it, the first step was finding out what was salvageable and what needed to be replaced, then ordering the needed parts online and cleaing when I can keep. My core practically sung, I hadn't had time to even think about my space obsession in so long, and even before the pregnancy I'd never had the chance to pay this much attention to it, I hadn't realised how much it hurt. Harley and Ivy talked in the background and played with the hyenas as I fixed the telescope, they reminded me to eat lunch so I ate the food they brought and also drank what had gathered in the thermos.

By midnight Harley and Ivy made me leave which was probably a good thing, I'd been so caught up I'd forgotten about everything else, including my baby and my exaustion and all the lingering mental and physcial stress and other stuff which should probably be keeping me on bed rest.

I took off my binder and changed into another big jumper without bothering to put a shirt on underneath, and some loose purple and gold star pyjama pants and red and white socks. I walked out and sat down next to Harley and Ivy, drinking the ectoplasm from my thermos. For now, while I was tired, I was content to sit awake and play board games with Harely and Ivy.

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(Translation: Is this what ??parents?? ERROR were supposed to be like? They reminded me of Jazz and she practically raised me, they're arguing kindly like couples do in films, they seem warm and ERROR ?happy??? and content with each other not completely distracted with something else, is this what I missed?)

By the sime Orphan and Signal had arrived and started playing with Harley and Ivy, I was exausted. I fell into my nest and was the most content I had in a while, given how not okay I was currently that said not-good things for how bad I'd been, but honestly I'd take the kind of okayness right now.

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