Okay so this is a long story but

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Okay so this is a long story but basiclly Batman's a halfa and also ancient of reality and Dannys son.

Prince Reality

Batman is pissed. The government says that he needs to be more trusting of them? That the rest of the Justice League is? He'll stop being straight up scared and furious at the government when the genocide of his entire species isn't legal! He'll stop purposely being a pain when his subjects and his citizens aren't actively hunted and traumatised by both government forces and earths citizens! He'll agree to talk to the government when he stops getting reports of ghosts fully gone because of the government! He'll talk to the government without sounding hostile when they apologise for kidnapping his sister and vivisecting his dad! He'll admit he's being unfriendly and rude when they admit that his species are sentient and have rights!

Until then he's fighting tooth and claw, every legal loophole, every passive aggressive word, every 'accidentally' leaking of high level government secrets, every petty thing he's done, he'll keep doing them until the government publicly admit they screwed up and the goverment put ghosts under the meta protection act! He was going to be a thorn in their side until his subjects were safe, all he regretted was not being able to do more.

Danny Phantom stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora