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After three months, as the news spread, everyone was excited about the upcoming baby. However, Jane felt nervous because Type had been weak and sick for many days.

During their sweet family time in the hall, Grey arrived in his wheelchair holding a bag.

"What?" Tharn asked, raising his eyebrows and pulling his husband down to sit.

"Tomorrow I'm going to Taiwan for my initial training," Grey said, and everyone smiled.

"Of course, we know you already told us. I'm coming too! I'm so excited to see Taiwan. Why did you bring this bag today only?" Tokyo said happily.

"Yeah, I know, but the actual news is this," Grey said, taking out some papers and handing them to Tharn.

"What the hell is this?" Tharn asked, grabbing Grey's collar. Tokyo immediately pushed him away.

"What are you doing? You can't disrespect him. Stay away," Tokyo said, almost punching his brother. Tharn showed him the paper, and Tokyo looked at Grey with shock.

"What is this? Are you joking, right?"

"I wish I were. I was desperately waiting for this day. You know why I married you. I married to take my granny's revenge. When that Oscar hit my granny, you were there. You were there, but you didn't help us.you thought I forgot but no i remember everything and that's why I married you and now stay like a bitch" as soon as Grey' said Tokyo began to cry...

" What the hell are you even saying, he could never do it, he can't " Tharn said..

" He did... He was fucking there but look at him, he's not even accepting his mistake " grey yelled and everyone looked at Tokyo who was crying looking guilty for his action...

" Tell me you weren't there... Tell me" Type asked getting little bit pissed..

" I was there, I was there , i accept that but I was drunk, I was not in a state... Everything was blank and I don't even remember that... I knew the day when Oscar got inside the jail and when I personally checked the footage to find any evidence and there I saw I was also there .. but I swear to god, I was not in my stable condition, I don't remember, i almost fainted " Tokyo cried defending himself when Tharn held him...

" Offcourse I trust u, we all trust you and grey also trust you"

"Trust? Me? I don't need to trust him and moreover everything is over now .. I took my revenge and now I have to go... Byee, type take care of yourself" he said looking at Type when Tharn slapped him and Grey immediately slapped Tokyo ...

"If you gonna hurt me , I will hurt your brother... Don't you fucking touch me" he yelled
Everyone were shocked because even raising voice on Tokyo was a difficult and rare thing for Grey and today he literally slapped this guy...

"Anyways...I played enough with my boy toy, now byee baby " he smirked looking at the boy who was just crying looking shocked... Type came to punch Grey but Tokyo held his hands and stopped everyone...

"just tell me for real? All of those things, everything was a lie? Like you were actually pretending? You never loved me? "He asked raising his eyebrows...
"Me love a guy like you? Hahahaha... Anyways, I swear on myself, I-I never loved you. I hate your ugly face. Because of you and your boyfriend, I lost my granny. I hate you," Grey said, and Tokyo began to cry, hugging him.

"I know, I know you are doing it because I never said I love you back, but I love you. I never begged anyone, but please, I beg you, please don't do this. I love you, baby."

"Didn't you say the same thing for Oscar? A guy who had messed with 100 people is now saying he loves me," Grey began to laugh when Tharn came to punch him, and Tokyo yelled.

"Stop, just stop. Just tell me you don't love me. Just say yes or no," Tokyo asked in a serious tone, and Grey just laughed.

"I don't."

"Please don't say it, please, please," Tokyo began to cry, holding him back, but the guy slapped him, and this time Tokyo fell down.

"I'm calling the cops. Let me call the cops," Tharn said, and Tokyo yelled out loud.

"Just stop. He's my husband. It's our matter. Can you please go? Please," he begged everyone, and Tharn shook his head, pulling Tokyo up.

"No, he literally hurt you. I won't leave you alone. And you, bloody disabled guy, just go, get out, get lost," Tharn yelled. Smiling, Grey was about to leave when he turned around again and faced Type.

"Although I hate everyone, I love you. You actually helped me a lot."

"Please don't leave, please," he cried and begged, but with a serious face, the guy just pushed him away and was about to leave when Tharn stood up in front of Grey. Grey thought the guy was going to hurt him, but he saw Tharn kneel down, joining his hands.

"Please don't leave him, please. I never saw him begging for something like this. He genuinely loves you. Please don't leave him," he said in his gentle voice. Rolling his eyes, Grey just left, leaving everything behind.

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