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At night, Tokyo was busy using his phone while Grey, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up looking scared.

"Umm... What time is it?" He asked, looking at Tokyo who was engrossed in watching movies.

"9," he said, and Grey's eyes widened.

"C-can I borrow your phone? My phone broke down last month... Please."

"Hello no! I don't lend my phone to anyone. Go away," he said, and worriedly Grey just sat down, biting his lips and digging his nails.

"What happened?"

"M-my grade-3 exams results are out... I need to check whether I passed it or not."

"What? You are in grade-3," he began to laugh, and Grey just smiled nervously.

"Not in that, I'm in income tax officer or maybe cyber security, depending on the rank grade-3 exams... If I ace that, I will achieve the highest rank and will work with the government of Thailand and China."

"What?" Tokyo yelled out so loud that Grey had to close his ears and immediately handed his phone to Grey.

"Thank you so much," he said and was about to open the page when Tokyo snatched it.

"Let me do it... I'm a lucky guy... You will definitely pass," he said confidently.

"Um? Chances are low... Don't do it... I don't want you to be upset."

"Shut up," he said and immediately clicked on the link. The results showed up, and they began to check.

"My name is not here... I told you."

"This is impossible... I'm a lucky charm guy... Whenever I see results, it means pass," he said, and Grey just laughed.

"Of course, you are my lucky charm... I will work hard and definitely get a rank next time... Don't worry," he said and turned around when Tokyo began to shout and jump.

"Stupid... You were checking the bottom, you fucking topped the exams... You are in second position... Look," he showed him the list, and Grey felt like he would fall, and in reality, he fell down on the ground and began to cry. It was his granny's dream to watch him as an officer, and although being disabled, he finally fulfilled her dream. But his happiness doubled when for the first time Tokyo sat down on the ground and hugged him tightly.

"I'm happy for you... Don't cry... It's time to dance... Don't cry," he said, rubbing his back while Grey couldn't stop crying as he was overwhelmed with the situation. He hugged the guy, pulling him onto his lap, and the guy just held him tightly.

They got closer, things heated up, and looking into each other's eyes, they felt the spark... But suddenly Tokyo farted, and Grey just looked at him embarrassed, but the other guy rolled down on the floor laughing.

"Ahh... my fart was stuck for so many hours... finally... Anyways, congratulations legless guy... Hopefully, you can leave this house now... I married you because at some point I empathized because you were poor, but now you don't need me... Just file for a divorce, and you can leave me... Please," he said standing up, and Grey looked at him frowning.

"W-what? Of course, you can't... Why do you want to leave me? Is it because of Oscar?"

"I said if you want to... I don't have any problem... I'm happy, at least I can roam around freely and flirt with anyone, but if I marry someone real, seriously, then it would be a problem... that person would be hurt."

"I'm also a real person... I also feel bad."

"Hahhha don't you think that, I'm out of your league to think that... Anyways just sleep and have a goodnight... Congratulations again," saying that, Tokyo walked inside the washroom, meanwhile, Grey's happy face turned into a sad one, and he just looked down.

Meanwhile, the guy who was going out remembered that he was watching a movie and immediately sat back down on the bed, while Grey was just thinking about something.

"Oh man! You cracked the hardest exam, go have some party and enjoy, why are you making faces?" Tokyo asked, and Grey just wiped his tears.

"Can you help me to sit on the bed? In excitement, I forgot that I locked my wheelchair at another corner," he asked, and Tokyo just rolled his eyes.

"Oh gosh! Such a burden... Anyways, come," he said, trying to pull him up, but instead of pulling, the guy fell down on Grey's body. They looked into each other's eyes, and for a moment, Tokyo got lost again.

"No no I fucking hate him... hate him Tokyo, you can't get attracted to him," Tokyo yelled out loud and immediately stood up when Grey was just confused and managed to crawl to another side by his own. It was difficult, but he didn't have any option.

He was so happy but didn't want to spoil TharnType's honeymoon and was just sitting in the hall area, containing his happiness and reading the form where it shows the joining date.

Suddenly, the lights went off, and he heard a loud noise. Panicking, the guy went inside the bedroom holding a torch. As soon as Tokyo saw him, the guy jumped on his body and wrapping his legs around, he sat down on his lap, hugging the guy on the wheelchair.

"Where were you? How could you leave me alone in the night, don't you know I'm afraid of darkness... Call the electrician... There must be a ghost... I'm scared," the guy was literally shivering, so smiling, Grey just held him tightly.

"Don't worry.. the light must be," before he could say anything, the electricity came back, and Tokyo looked at himself, and realization hit him. He was about to stand up, but Grey just held his body tightly. Pulling him closer, Grey was staring right into his eyes. Grey held his face and pulling the guy, he was about to kiss him when he stopped.

"S-sorry... I-i-i'm sorry... Sorry," Grey immediately stopped and left the guy. Annoyed, Tokyo stood up and glaring at him, the guy left angrily, slamming the door.

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