Serendipity 11

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Serendipity: Finding someone special without looking for them.

His eyes opened in hospital.

He saw Yoona sitting right beside him.
"You woke up!!" She noticed him awake and smiled brightly.

So he gave her a weak smile back,
"When I heard her voice, I couldn't tell who's voice it was as she tried to deepen her voice while speaking to me" she explained how she got to know that it's Arya

"When I was locked up in my room, I continued thinking about this, and why didn't she speak anything to you on the call, She knew you were smart enough to recognise her voice"
"It took me time but I understood who's voice it was, same person whom you ran to save"

"I still can't believe she did this to you"
She started to cry again.

"It's okay Yoona, I'm fine"

"No you are not" she cried holding his hand

"I am, now don't be sad hm? What happened with Arya though?" He asked.

"She's locked up in jail, and korean court is so strict that for trying to kill you, kidnap you, threat you, intrude your privacy, and murdering"
"not being mentally stable"
"She will either be living in jail her whole life or will be living in mental asylum for whole life, so don't worry"

"And you will be discharged in a few weeks"

"Thanks Yoona" he was thankful that she came to save him.

"Do you want to die!! Who thanks best friends!" She yelled, and another year left her eye.
"If not me then who" she repeated her words again.
Made him smile.

He is not alone, he had world's best person sitting beside him.
He felt so glad to have her.

"Everything is fine now hm?" He told her so she won't cry anymore.
She nodded with tears.

is fine now....

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