Chapter 4 (edited)

Comincia dall'inizio

"There now go inside." I wanted to argue but there was something going on here that I knew I didn't understand right now. But I would figure it out, I vowed. I threw a quick look at Troy before heading up to the front door. I opened it and slipped inside, but before I closed it completely I stopped pressing close so I could hear what they were saying.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister, you hear? And while you're at it get the hell out of my territory." Territory? I didn't have much time to ponder that before their conversation distracted me.

"You can't stop me from seeing her and you know it." Troy taunted. "Pack laws indicate that I have a right to my mate." Mate? My brow furrowed further at their strange talk. Packs? Mates? And territories? This was some strange gang talk as far as I was concerned, not that I knew anything about gangs.

"She's not your mate." I could practically hear Robbie's teeth gritting together from here. "You may think that she is but there's no way in hell my sister would be mated to the likes of you."

"She is mine. Ask her she'll tell you." I narrowed my eyes at his sure tone.

"That's impossible she doesn't know."

"Doesn't know what?" Yeah, doesn't know what? I thought.

"Never mind it's none of your business anyway, now leave before I call the guardians." What the hell was he talking about? I had more questions than answers at this point. Hearing my brother move towards the door I scrambled away into the living room not bothering to shut the door fully. Either way, he'd probably know I'd been listening. I paced waiting for his footsteps to reach the door. I looked up when he slammed it shut.

"Why were you talking to him?" He snarled before I could ask him the questions that were burning on the tip of my tongue.

"He came into the diner while I was working, I was telling him to leave right when you got here." I explained sitting with my knees pressed to my chest on the couch. I decided to leave out the part where I actually met him in a forest. The less my brother knew about that the better.

"What did he say to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did he tell you about why he was here?"

"Umm... he didn't because I didn't talk to him beyond telling him to leave. Why? Is there something I should know?"

"No, but stay away from him. He's no good."

"Says who?" I demanded.

"Says me. You know your older brother." I rolled my eyes before sobering.

"How do you know? Are you doing something dangerous?"

"What? No." He insisted.

"Then how do you know he's dangerous?" I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I just do, I know guys like him."

"So now you know guys like him? What else aren't you telling me?" I accused.

"What do you mean?" His brow furrowed into a confused frown.

"What don't I know?" My lips pinched into a firm line.


"Don't play dumb. I heard you two talking. What don't I know?" I watched his expression searching for the answers in his gaze.

"It's not important right now. Don't you have school tomorrow?" His change of subject was noted in my mind as I switched my line of questioning.

"Fine, try this question on for size, what are guardians?" I changed tactics.

Kidnapped By Mistake (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora