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YOU SAT up from your bed harshly

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YOU SAT up from your bed harshly. you looked at the alarm clock on your bedside table and saw it was already 12 midnight. you couldn't help but heave a sigh.

it has been two hours since you laid on your bed and yet sleepiness hasn't come upon you yet. you were tired from studying all day and even spared some time to enhance your quirk. you wanted to sleep and rest your body and mind and yet you somehow couldn't fall asleep.

you stood up and took your jacket and put it on. you gave up on trying to sleep and decided to take a walk to tire yourself even more. your legs are giving up but you needed to tire yourself.

you carefully walked out the dorm. you didn't want to wake up your classmates and teacher.

you successfully got out of the dorm. you were greeted by a cold breeze and you couldn't help but hug yourself to warm yourself. good thing you put on a jacket.

you decided to walk around the dormitories. the moon was shining bright up high and it was enough to provide light. the lamps on every pathway were open so it wasn't too dark out.

you kept on circling around the dormitories for a good ten minutes and yet you still weren't tired. you were physically tired but your mind was still wide awake.

you decided to walk even farther, maybe to the convenience store since you felt hungry walking around. but you suddenly spotted a silhouette from a distance. you know it's probably stupid to approach a stranger that could probably be a villain and attack you but you still did anyway.

you were careful to not make any sound as you approached the moving figure. the person was making strange and big movements. you can't probably see since it's too dark to where that person is standing.

when you got close to the person, you squinted your eyes to get a better look and on time, the person let out their quirk just enough to practice and not get anyone's attention. the light from that person's quirk was enough for you to see who the owner is.

"were you too threatened with my strength that's why you decided to train even harder?" you said out loud causing the person to stop training and look at you.

katsuki bakugo immediately went to the lamp near him and turned it on. he was heaving as he looked at you, annoyed that you disturbed him and at what you said.

you stared at him as he catched his breath. you couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a black sleeveless top that showed his ripped arm. he was also wearing a black sweatpants. he was sweating from head to toe and you couldn't help but think that the sight in front of you was ho— unpleasant.

you looked back to meet katsuki's dagger looks. "are you stalking me?" he asked and this time you were the one who gave him dagger looks.

"excuse you? i was just taking a walk and saw you here. aren't you working too hard to catch up to me?" you said with a shrug. it was obviously just to teach him, admit it or not he's way better than you are.

katsuki walked over to the bench near him and took his towel. he wiped his sweat off while still looking at you. you don't know why but you remained looking at him as he wiped himself.

"i'm always doing this since the start of classes. and i ain't catching up to anyone since i'm way ahead of you all. the only one i'm catching up to is all might." he said after he was done with what he was doing.

you frowned. he sure does know how to make a rebuttal huh?

he's been training even at night since the start of classes? he has the energy to do that? you didn't expect him to be hardworking especially with how cocky he is with his skills. guess you really don't know him much.

"and why do you think you're better than me?" katsuki added.

"because i am." you replied nonchalantly.

he grinned before stretching. you looked at him as he did that. "want to bet? let's have a fight then. let's see who's better."

you snickered at the offer. as if you had a chance to win especially when you're too tired and it was freezing cold. you also weren't in the mood to fight.

you crossed your arms and hugged yourself tighter as the wind went colder. "no thanks. i'm too tired and i have some place to be."

he raised a brow at you. "at this hour? are you up to something?"

"i'm just craving for something and we ran out of stock. you think i'm a villain?" you asked at him.

"i didn't say that, you did." he grinned as if he was making fun of you.

you rolled your eyes. he really knows how to get in your nerves.

you decided to let him train and went on your way.

"where are you going?" he asked, you didn't stopped on your way but you looked back at him. walking backwards as you did.

"to the convenience store. i'm not meeting any villain."

you noticed how he picked up his things before walking towards you, that made you stop on your tracks and  look at him curiously.

"what are you doing?"

"i'm going with to keep an eye on you. you might do something stupid."

you looked at him dumbfoundedly, he was more fond of doing something stupid.

you just let him, he'll regret tagging along.

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