'It's Lewis Carroll,' I hear B/n say

"Lewis Carroll," I say

"Wow, correct," he says, I give a fake smile. As Ric is about to knock at the door, we hear someone scream, so I back up and crack the door open. 

"No, no, no!" says Ric

'What's the spell?'


"Patere!"  I cast, and the door crashes open... and also breaks. When I go in there, Landon isn't there. Just an old couple watching TV. Shit... it was just the movie that I heard. 

"Hi, uh, I'm so sorry, I mistook your house for someone else's..." I say

Then Ric comes in, also apologizing for the inconvenience before whispering, "That's some compass, we're in the wrong place."

I look at the trashcan or mailbox or whatever I dropped, reach in, and find the button I gave Landon. Shit, what's happened to him? I don't remember this part that well. I get up and show Ric the button, "Guess someone knew we were coming."


Later on, Ric and I were back on the road. I figured Landon's bracelet could be used for a locator spell. So, now we were going by that. But when we reached the destination, the house was covered with vans and signs that didn't allow us to pass. 

We got out of the car and approached the area, a guy who probably works there came up to us, "Hey, can I help you?" Oh! It's Clarke... or Ryan. 

"Yeah, I hope so. Uh... Say, what's going on here?" asks Ric

"Gas leak. Don't worry, though, we have it under control. You wouldn't happen to know who lives here, would you? We tried knocking, but no one's home," asks Clarke

"We were looking for--" I start

"The highway. See, we're lost, and we... well, we saw you guys, and we thought we'd ask for directions," says Ric

Clarke looks a bit weirded out, "Yeah, at the end of the road, you make a right. Can't miss it."

"Cool, thanks. Alright, let's go, Jessica," Ric tells me, so we head back into the car. 

"Jessica? Really?" I ask (My bad if your name is Jessica-)

"I've been a part of enough cover-ups to smell one a mile away," says Ric

"Well, the guy isn't a good guy at this time in the plot anyway," I say

"You know him?" I nod

"Who is he?" he asks

"Can't spoil, remember?" I ask

"Damn it... Alright. Well, we gotta find Landon," says Ric

"Yeah. We should hurry," I say, and then we drive away.


"Motel room? That's  where he is?" asks Ric

"I remember something like that... Think that's the part where him and Hope-- never mind," I say

"Him and Hope? What?" he asks

"If I wasn't here it'd be hope. I'm kind of replacing her in some ways, except she still exists. Same way I sort of replaced Elena," I say as I get out of the car. 

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