The Guardian's Challenge

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Ash has an Electrium Z while Hayley has an Fightinium Z." said Kiawe, walking up to the group. "Where did you get them? Not the island challenge. You both didn't participate and pass the trials that I know of."

"Tapu Koko gave them to us." said Ash.

"Tapu Koko?" asked Kiawe.

"No way! You saw it again?" asked Mallow.

"Uh-huh" said Ash as Hayley nodded in agreement. "Pikachu, Hayley, Meeko and I heard Tapu Koko's voice, so we took off after it."

"You know, Tapu Koko is such a magnificent island guardian." said Hayley, then stared off dreamily. "I wish that I had a Pokémon egg of an Island guardian." Just as Hayley said that, Professor Kukui curiously looked at the young girl.

"Maybe one day, Hayley." said Ash and continues the story. "When we found Tapu Koko, these things just came floating down to us. Yup, right out of the sky."

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Cari, Lucario." Meeko said to Pikachu.

"Tapu Koko?" questioned Kiawe. "How could it have gotten a couple of Z-Rings?"

"And then?" asked Mallow.

"It felt like Tapu Koko was telling us that the rings were for us...and that's how it all happened." said Ash. The others gasped at the story and Lillie spoke up.

"I read about Tapu Koko before." she said. "Tapu Koko's very well known as the guardian who likes to help islanders, but it also likes to play tricks on people and if it thinks it's necessary, it can sometimes even punish them. I also read that on rare occasions it will give mysterious gifts to people it likes."

"That's great!" said Mallow. "So, that must mean Tapu Koko really likes Ash and Hayley."

"Tapu Koko likes us?" asked Hayley, going into a daze. "Awesome! If Tapu Koko likes us that much, then I like Tapu Koko."

"Kiawe, hold on." said Sophocles. "You got your Z-Ring from the Akala Island kahuna, right?"

"Yeah." said Kiawe, looking down at his. "By successfully passing the grand trial."

"That's awesome!" said Hayley and Ash. "Does this mean we can use Z-Moves?"

"Using them should not be taken lightly!" said Kiawe in a serious tone.

"Excuse me!" said Hayley, glaring at Kiawe, who then takes a step back. "You think that my brother and I won't take this seriously?"

"Lucario!" Meeko said angrily, glaring at Kiawe. She runs over to said boy and knocks him to the ground before dragging him by his leg over to Hayley and sits on him. "Lucario!" she then said, crossing her arms.

"Hey! Meeko, let me up!" Kiawe exclaimed, struggling underneath Meeko's weight.

"Lucari." scoffed Meeko, looking away from him and sits on him even harder.

"Kiawe didn't mean it...." Lillie started to say when Ash puts his hands up and shakes his head.

"Hayley's on a roll, Lillie." said Ash as Meeko continued to sit on Kiawe. "Once you get her started, she won't stop until it's long out of her system. Meeko is the same way, and she knows Hayley."

"Let's get one thing straight here, mister," said Hayley, taking a step forward towards him, pointing her finger. "you get on my bad side once, just once....I will literally chase you all over Melemele Island. You'll have no place to hide."

"Lucario." growled Meeko, glaring at the boy then hits the fire type trainer between his shoulder blades. Kiawe looks up at Ash, terrified of what she might do. "Take my word for it. She'll do it cause she did it to me back home." said Ash.

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