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Last night was a blur. All I remember is that I was being cuddled by Walker. Was that even real? I HAD to be dreaming.

"teeheehee.." Someone snickers.

"Shhh.. Shut up ur gonna wake them up.!" Another voice whispers.

I peep open my eyes, these annoying voices had woken me up. And to my suprise, it wasn't even a suprise anymore. It was that dumb dumb Margret and stupid Brian.

"Oh shit. I told you to shut up now she's awake..!" Margret whispers while slightly yelling at the same time.

While they argue I began dozing off, falling asleep, who knows what I was doing. It was so fuzzy and warm with Walker by my side, I couldn't bring myself to get up out of this position.

Wait. Suddenly it hit me. Walker was by my side. Walker is by my side? WALKER FRICKEN SCOBELL IS BY MY SIDE?!

Oh God I must've been out of my mind last night. How did we even end up like this?

I am currently frozen. In a panic. Laying in bed. On my side. Cuddled and bunched up next to Walker. Not moving an inch.

And he's sound asleep. How can he be sound asleep in a position like this? If I were him I would be freaking out right now, I mean I am freaking out but if I were him yeah.

"Mmmh...." A voice groans in my ear.

No, no, no oh my god he's waking up.

"Dammit, now who's arguing this early in the morning."

Margret and Brian finally shut their mouths.

"Do not say another word.. Walker is basically the devil himself when you wake him up this early.." Brian whispers.

I am currently squeezing my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep because this is just too embarrassing for me.

Walker has a really grumpy face while glaring at Brian and Margret. His face lightens up when he says, "Lili are you awake...?" In a sleepy voice.

Not gonna lie I wanted to jump out of bed and speed out the house at that moment.

His voice. HIS VOICE. HIS MORNING VOICE. His morning voice is literally angelic, I have no idea what Brian was talking about when he said, "Walker was basically the devil himself when you wake him up this early"

I mean now I HAD to respond to him. "Mhm, yeah I'm awake.." I say, faking a sleepy voice.

He sits up on the bed and says, "Since your awake wanna go out for breakfast?" He asks me while smiling and tilting his head.

Oh my god he doesn't know that he just took 18 years off my life just by smiling and tilting his head..

"Sure. L..let me go to the bathroom really quick..!" I stammered.

This is so embarrassing.. I kept stuttering because I was so flustered and nervous. And on top of that Margret and Brian were standing there watching all this happen..

I get out of my bed and head towards the bathroom. I begin splashing my whole face with cold water trying to cool myself down.


"Did you see her face?" Brian giggles like a little girl.

"Yup, she was extremely red!" Margret replies.

"Why would she be red?" Walker says, confused.

"Dang Walker, you really don't get it do you?" Brian says.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐧 - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now