Markus Rose

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I sigh and groan as I lower my phone. Deciding to roll my head to the door my counselor walks into my peaceful isolation.

“Markus we talked about this. Your violent behavior is proving to be too difficult to keep you in our school and with your sister.” He spoke to me as if I was uneducated and from the moon, who did this guy think I was?

With an effective roll of my eyes I speak,”Look Patrick. You aren't my social worker and you aren't my foster parents. I will be staying with my sister. I don't give a shit about your school.” I leaned back against my seat and watched his face scrunch up like an ugly baby who tried a lemon for the first time.

“We will be talking to your parents.” He said in a near grumble.

“Mr. And Mrs. Davis. My parents are dead, unless you want to speak to a grave and an urn. I got the addresses for both.”

“Right. Uhm. Good day.” He steps out of the room and horribly mutters,” Psychopathic blood user.”

I speak to myself,”Not a psychopath. Just a damaged and traumatized child with anger issues.”

Though based on my mother’s research I was in some sort of insane. Though I cannot actually manipulate blood in any way. Unlike ninety-five of the population that is forced to wear the bouquet, I can use my powers though they are extremely weak. I guess her design was flawed but her research should be flawless.

Back to the point, I can phase through skin and grasp at any body part and play with that body part until I get bored. Lissa is someone who can manipulate blood and thanks to our father we would be monsters without the bouquet.

With my internal monologue and thoughts the final bell rang and I stood up quickly then snatched my backpack. I get the door open and wait a few minutes and go around to the halls to find Melissa.

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