new man

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When I woke up, I was in my sleeping bag. Daddy was already up. I could hear him talking to Momma outside the tent. I sit up and crawl near the opening of the tent. I look over and I see Momma and Daddy standing by the tent. Daddy had an angry expression on his face. Momma's back was turned, so I couldn't see her face. Daddy took Momma's arm and lead her away. Whatever they were talking about, they didn't want me to hear.

"You sleep alright?" I heard the new guy ask me, but I had not even heard him approaching. He stood in front of me, no longer wearing his cop uniform. Instead, he was in a plain white t-shirt.

I struggled to string a response together. His sudden emergence had caught me off-guard.

"You eat anything yet? I heard Dale had some ganglia bars you can eat." Rick spoke softly, his hands resting on his hips.

I nodded in response once again, unsure of what to communicate. I was not too interested in Ganolla Bars, and Rick may have been able to see the lack of enthusiasm in my expression.

"I'm Rick." Rick offered his hand out towards me.

"I'm..." I began to respond before I was interrupted by my father's strong grasp upon my shoulder.

I flinched, surprised by the unexpected touch. I looked up at him, his eyes expressing ire and distrust towards Rick.

"Hi, you must be John. I'm Rick." Rick repeated his introduction. Daddy remained unfazed and merely shook his extended hand, though he appeared to be reluctant to establish trust.

"I know it can be difficult to trust new arrivals. However,.." Rick attempted to speak, but Daddy immediately interrupted him.

"Don't talk to my kid." Daddy commanded in a rough voice. His words carried a sense of anger and frustration.

Rick displayed a slight look of consternation. He did not seem to fully comprehend what had provoked Daddy's intense reaction.

"Let's go, pen." Daddy grasped my shoulder firmly, drawing me away from Rick. Rick observed the interaction silently, though I could detect a spark of concern in his eyes. I was well, my father simply desired to take preemptive precautions.

Daddy released his grip on me and kneeled down to search through a bag on the ground. I remained in place, awaiting his further instructions.
After some time, he finally emerged with a bright pink hair elastic. He took my face in his hands and began to arrange my hair into a neat ponytail. A few strands of loose hair were tucked behind my ear as he finished with my hair.

"Got to keep your hair out of your face, kiddo." Daddy spoke softly, sounding less irritated than before.

Daddy gently but firmly grasped my hand, forcefully placing a sharp blade against it. He folded my fingers over the weapon, enclosing the knife within my grip.

"We're going hunting." Daddy declared, his own large hunting knife resting in his opposite palm.

The idea of entering the forest frightened me. I feared the possibility of encountering Walkers and, even more so, being alone with daddy. Yet, I knew that I had no choice in the matter.

"We have to get food." Daddy responded, likely deducing my trepidation from my facial expression.

"We already have food here." I muttered in protest, though I did not wish to be disrespectful or incite annoyance.

"Yes, we do." Daddy countered, taking the initiative to proceed regardless of my refusal to partake. He proceeded to ask, "Are you goin to complain, or are you coming with me?”

I followed my father, sticking close to his side as we trudged forward cautiously. Every sound, every movement, every whisper caused my heart to race. The possibility of encountering Walkers was a constant concern, and I kept a firm grip on my knife.

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