Candy!(JW)(Guest Lynx)

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Lucas: *eating skittles*


Lucas: NEVER!

Weakart: *walks in with Z* What's going on this time?

Sky: Lucas won't stop his bad diet!


Z: He's going mad...

Weakart: Huh... Anyway, where is Blake?

Sky: Getting a dare for today.

Weakart: We don't have one yet? We really need to plan better...

Z: I don't think that Lucas likes planning.

Lucas: Waste of time! Better for us to wing it and eat some snickers!

Sky: *takes candy* NO!

Lucas: *pulls out gun* GIMME MY CANDIES!

Blake: *walks in* More fighting? Really?

Sky: He needs to stop eating skittles all the time!

Lucas: *pouting* You never let me do what I want...

Sky: For this exact reason! You're acting like a three year old!

Weakart: She has a point.

Z: So, Blake, did you get something for us to do.

Blake: Yep! Candy...

Sky: *strangles Blake* Why!? Why!?

Blake: Calm down, Sky! I was just going to have the JW share their favorite candies!

Sky: Oh... *stops her strangling*

Z: So... That's it?

Blake: Yes. We haven't done enough truths, so I thought that this would be good.

Z: Cool!


Moon: *eating tootsie rolls*

Weakart: So that's where Lucas gets it from...

Qibli: *eating M&M's*

Blake: Or there...

Winter: *eating smarties*

Hosts: *silent*

Sky: Anyway, welcome!

Turtle: What is it today?

Carnelian: Something awful for sure...

Umber: Maybe torture?

Lynx: That's all of these dares...

Sky: He has a point.

Lucas: I feel a bit guilty... Never mind! I'm just hungry!

Blake: Well... We aren't actually doing a dare today.

Winter: Then why are we here?

Blake: Truths!

Winter: Ah...

Z: Just tell us your favorite human candies real quick and you can go!

Kinkajou: Awesome! I love candy!

Sky: We are very aware...

Lucas: Moon can go first!

Moon: Hmm... I like gummy bears.

Z: Me too!

Sky: I second that amendment!

Lucas: Any particular reason?

Moon: Their cute, squishy, and taste good! It's an obvious winner!

Lucas: If you say so...

Weakart: Do you not like gummy bears?

Lucas: *shrugs* They aren't the worst I guess...

Weakart:... Winter is next!

Winter: There are some good ones... I'd say the best ones are Dum-Dums suckers.

Lucas: *high fives Winter*

Sky: Who knew that Winter had...

Z: Good opinions?

Winter: All my opinions are good ones!

Blake: Keep telling yourself that.

Winter: I will!

Z: Just continue, Turtle...

Turtle: Well if we're talking about sweets... Airheads?

Z: Why them?

Turtle: Variety of flavors, variety of candy types... variety? Plus they're just awesomely awesome!

Blake: Some great logic their buddy...

Sky: If it works then it works.

Weakart: Airheads are the new number one selling candy in America?

Lucas: Why?

Weakart: *shurgs* Whatever Turtle says is what goes

Sky: Qibli is up!

Qibli: Toxic Waste.

Blake: You like eating radiation!?

Qibli: The candy! Are you an idiot?

Sky: He is...

Lucas: So you like sour candy?

Qibli: *shrugs* I have my reasons...

Lucas: If you say so...

Z: We don't judge.

Weakart: We actually do... A lot...

Z: Oh.

Blake: Kinkajou! All of them?

Kinkajou: Can you read minds!?

Blake: Yep!

Kinakjou: I've actually been waiting for someone to take some more sugary candies. The current ones lack that kick I need!

Lucas: Kinkajou, you are the reason that those candies have never been made...

Sky: I can see the end of the world just thinking about it...

Z: How about you, Carnelian? Have you ever had candy in the first place?

Carnelian: I have. Hot Tamales are my favorite.

Hosts: Makes enough sense.

Lucas: Sounds like something she'd eat.

Blake: Do you just eat Hot Tamales in heaven?

Sky: Do dragons even go to heaven?

Weakart: If dogs can, then we can too!

All: Yeah!

Weakart: Next is the man, the myth, the legend! Umber...

Umber: Nerds are pretty good I guess...

Z: Good choice.

Sky: What flavor of nerds?

Umber: Da pink ones...

Lucas: Awesome! I have some in my dorm at Jade Mountain... Wanna come?

Umber: Maybe...

Sky: And last is Lynx!

Lynx: I know it isn't technically a candy... but tic tacs rule!

Blake: Valid.

Sky: They are a candy to me!

Weakart: She speaks of experience!

Z: Wait... Where's Lucas?

Lucas: *taking candy Sky stole earlier* Let's go, Kinkajou!

Kinkajou: Yes, sir!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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