Never break Winter(JW)

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Lucas: Hey guys!

Other hosts: Yeah

Lucas: Did you know were all part dragon and I had no idea! That and we're from the future!

Others: Didn't you know that?

Lucas:... Why would I you IMBECILES!

Sky: We'll did you figure out who's kids we are?

Lucas: Mostly. You and Blake are Glorybringers, Weakart's Turtlejou's, Z is Starflight and Fatespeaker, and I'm Moon's.

Blake: Who's the father?

Lucas: That's what I don't know.


*JW appears*

Winter: Aw hell no! I know what this is and it's a no!

Moon: *sighs* We all do, Winne. But it's what the fans want so we have to deal with this ****

Lucas: Jeez! Language!

Qibli: Sorry, but this is like TOD number ten! We're tired!

Lucas: Understandable, but fans think it's necessary. The sooner we finish the sooner you can leave.

JW: Then let's!

Umber: Is today T or D?

Sky: *laughs evilly* We have a special dare for today! Winter!

Winter: ****

Lucas: I said stop with the language!



Lucas: This is going to be a long day. Anyway, it's only Kinkajou and Winter spending the day together.

Kinkajou: Whyyyyyyy

Sky: Because this is Winter's punishment!

Qibli: On second thought, let's do this!

Winter:*stares* YOU ******** IM GOING TO ******* *** YOU!

Lucas... Maybe you should just shut up.

Winter: No. Now let's just get this over with.

*shove Winter and Kinkajou into the same room for 24 hours*

Lucas: So what do you guys think the outcome will be?

Moon: Nice knowing you, Winter.

Qibli: It was?


Umber: Yeah... I wish we was here so I could have Qibli! Dang it!


Carnelian: I think Qibli's dead.



Winter: Kinkajou, do not eat those fifty packs of pure sugar.

Kinkajou: *ignores*

Winter: I hate this...

*Back to the others*

Blake: And that's why Weakart, Lucas, and Sky are a love triangle.

Moon: At least someone knows how I feel! I think me and Sky are in the same boat.

Sky: Preach sister!

Lucas: *comes back from the attic with Weakart* What are you guys talking about in here?

Sky: Nothing! Let's just see how Winter's doing with sugared up Kink.

*On cameras*

Winter:*Screaming as Kinakjou bounces around*

Kinkajou:*Hitting Winter with ballons*

Lucas: They look fine to me.

Qibli: I second that!

Moon:*knocks Qibli out*

Blake: And that's why Moon's the best of you five.

Lucas: Agree to disagree

Moon: Hey! I'm your mom so you have to back me up!

Lucas: Wait how do you know that?

Sky: I told her!

Lucas: *pulls out huge sword* And you will pay! After we find out what happened to Wint!

Umber: Has it been 24 hours already?

Blake: Yes and that's great! I want to see if he's broken yet!

*Winter and Kinkajou exit, followed by Kinkajou falling on the floor*

Turtle: Oh no! What did Winter do?

Winter: *In high pitched voice*Who's Winter?

Everyone: You!

Winter: Preposterous! I am Princess Happiness of the RainbowWings! Fear me and my Skittles!

Moon: What did Kinkajou do to him?

Blake: He's broken... but not in a good way.

Winter:*Points at Moon* You! You are to be wed to Sir Sunshine!

Moon: Who?

Winter: The handsome guy on the floor! And you! *points at Umber* Are to kill everyone else!

Everyone except Winter: Run!

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