JW on drugs!!!(JW)(Guest David)

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Lucas: Hey guys, have you ever wanted to kill yourself?

Other hosts: *silent*

Sky: Lucas, do you need a hug?

Z: Maybe some chocolate?

David: How about some therapy?

Weakart: Yeah therapy sounds... WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING HERE!

Lucas: I didn't invite you here!

David: *shrugs* I was free.

Lucas: *sighs* Anway, it was just a question I don't actually  want to kill myself.

Blake: Well thats good.

Lucas: Yet.

Blake: *silent*

Sky: Let's just get on with todays dare...

Z; *snaps*


Z: Get over your trauma and you can have it back.

Lucas: *mumbles*

Moon: What is going on here?

Sky: You're son his having metal trauma.

Qibli: Yeah he definitely gets that from his mother.

Z: Wow. That was harsh...

Qibli: But true.

Turtle: So, what are we doing today?

David: Drugs.

Winter: Not this guy again!

Carnelian: Can I please kill him?

David: Why does everyone hate me so much?

Weakart: Cuz you suck.

David: Ouch...

Kinkajou: So what are drugs?

Sky: It's like adult candy.

Kinkajou: Les go!

Winter: Hmm...

Lucas: Now follow me into this room!

A few moments later...

Lucas: And here we are!

Umber: So how long are we going to be stuck in here?

Z: A day or so?

Blake: Maybe a week depending on what happens.

Moon: And just what will happen?

Weakart: Stuff.


David: Relax! It will be fine!

Qibli: None of us trust you.

Sky: If I say it will be fine does that make it ok?

Turtle: Not really.

Blake: Well just deal with it!

Lucas: Now take these. *gives JW some drugs*

Hosts: Close door.

Z: So do you think any of them die?

Blake: Who knows. I've known plenty of targets who were drug addicts, but only some were that bad.

Sky: Remind me how were siblings?

Blake: You like to make out will dolls.


Z: There it is.

Sky: *pulls out knife* Want to repeat that?

A day later...

Weakart: Lucas, is it time to check up on the JW yet?

Lucas: *shrugs* I guess we can.

Hosts: *open door*

Kinkajou: *speaking German*

Umber: *getting beat up by Turtle while whistling*

Turtle: DIE!

Moon: *shooting Qibli with darts* I got another one!

Carnelain: *smoking pot*

Winter: *standing watching everyone*

Weakart: Is Winter ok?

Z: What did the drugs do to him?

Sky: Hey, Wint!

Winter: Sup?

Sky: You doing ok? Why aren't you going nuts too?

Winter: I don't know. This isn't the first time I've had cocaine before.


Winter: Yeah. I bought some when I had Lucas's phone that one time.


Blake: So you knew what we were giving you?

Winter: Yep.

Blake: Dang.

Z: This man is full of surprises!

Weakart: What's next? 

Lucas: Who knows anymore...

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