Chapther 18- Awkward Positions

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.



The bed is really warm. Warmer than it was yesterday. I shift slightly, trying to get comfortable so I can go back to sleep. Maybe someone turned on the heater?

Not only that, the bed is hard to, and I know they can't change the bed while I was sleeping.

I slowly open my eyes, the sunlight flooding the room making it seem like everything is glowing. My vision falters slightly, and my eyes squint painfully at the sun's bright rays.

I place my hand on the bed, going to lift myself up. My whole body goes tense when I feel the hard ridges of muscles under the pads of my fingers, instead of the soft sheets of the bed. Followed by my eyes widening.

How did I even get here? Am I heavy? Shoot.

His eyes are still closed, and he's breathing lightly and evenly. His hair is close to covering his eyes, and I feel threatened to push it back. His studs still in his ears, the sun doing a good job at making them noticeable.

I realize I'm staring, and turn away, looking to see if Amelia or Tyler is awake. They're not. What am I doing still on him? I go to get up, but I'm pulled back my his heavy arm holding down my waist. I didn't even know it was there.

How could I not feel a hand placed on my butt? I turn my head slightly, looking at his large, veiny hand that's placed dangerously close to the waistband of my shorts, his fingertips brushing the curve of my butt.

Our legs are slightly entangled, and I become aware that my tank top has ridden up, his warm arm around my waist making direct contact with my skin.

I feel blood rush to my cheeks, and I place my head back on his chest. "Antonio." I call his name, but my voice is muffled by his chest. He doesn't answer, or move.

I lift my head up and lightly pinch his shoulder. "Antonio." I say louder. I want to slap him awake. How did I not wake up to someone else touching me?

His arm tightens around me, and he turns his head into the pillow, his eyebrows furrowing. I roll my eyes. If he doesn't hurry up and wake up on his own, I'm going to slap him awake.

"An-" "What" He snaps, cutting me off. His voice is deep and low, the raspiness of his voice sending vibrations through my chest. His morning voice.
"Let go of me."

His body tenses slightly, and his eyes slowly open.
His eyes move down to our position. Me on top of him, and his arm holding my butt.

His eyes shut, and his arm moves up to my waist, leveled with the other one. My eyebrows furrow. I thought I just asked him to let go? Before I can open my mouth to tell him again, he lets go, his eyes still closed.

"Thanks." I mumble. I sit up moving to what was supposed to be my side of the bed. At least he isn't saying anything weird.

"You really wanted to sleep with me, huh?" He rasps out, sitting up and stretching, his biceps straining as he spreads his arms out, the blanket pooling at his waist.

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