Chapther 6- Love of Vodka

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Picture of her outfit for the party above.

"I think you should slow down with those cookies." I suggest, watching Amelia, Kaliyah, and Chase eat some cinnamon cookies.

"No, these too good." Chase says, his voice muffed because of the cookies.

It tastes like wheat and a bunch of sugar mixed together with water. It's not good.

Some Starbucks employees were giving them out for free, saying 'it's a sample for what could be on the menu'.

They've been eating it like they're warm chocolate chip cookies ever since.

"You want that cookie Jasmin?" Kaliyah asks, motioning towards my cookie.

I shake my head, and slide the cookie with the wrapper to her.

"Hey I want a cookie." Nico pouts, sitting on the bench beside me.

We came outside to the courtyard because some group of foreign students took our table.

Literally foreign students.

We tried asking them to move politely, but they didn't understand English. Only Vietnamese.

"Here." Amelia pulls out one of the ten cookies she has.

"I want one too." Emily exclaims, popping up from behind Nico.

Amelia hands her one too.

"Can we come to your apartment before the party?" Chase asks Amelia and Emily.

"Yeah." Emily says.

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