Trophy angst (no title lol)

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Trophy and Knife fought in the lobby, raising their voices and spitting insults at each other. Of course, Trophy had been the one to start the argument since he was so petty. He still envied Knife for kicking him into the portal and shit, so he didn't pass the opportunity to make a rude remark towards him. Knife wasn't just going to take that.

Multiple objects watched as the argument got more heated, some even bringing more to see the whole thing. There was a small crowd of people watching their bickering.

"Oh what, are you just mad that I'm so much better than you? Face it Knife, I have all your characteristics and more but better! I don't know why you even try, I'm literally a Trophy, I always come first plaCE-" Trophy was cut off by a swing to his face, knocking the wind out of him. He wobbled backwards, putting a hand on his head as his back hit the wall so he couldn't walk any further. He groaned in pain and cursed to himself. He didn't want to seem weak in front of everyone here, but that was kind of hard when he just got punched in the face.

He tried to steady his breathing as his vision blurred. He couldn't cry when there were so many people watching him, though that was pretty hard to do at the moment, since there was so much pain rushing through his body. Knife could really pack a punch.

"Don't you act all high and mighty. Nobody thinks you're all that. Constantly pissing people off just for the fun of it doesn't make anybody think you're cool, there was a reason you got eliminated so early." Knife stepped closer as he glared at Trophy intimidatingly. Trophy stared back at him, making painful eye contact, though he could barely see Knife's face with how blurry he was seeing.

"I-" Trophy was cut off again, though this time by Knife's voice instead of his fists. "What, are you confused that one of your victims actually fought back? Did you expect me to sit back and take your 6th grade insults? I'm not that easy, participation trophy." Knife put a hand on his hip. Trophy rarely ever got scared, especially by another contestant, but this was one of the rare times he was genuinely frightened by someone standing in front of him that wasn't one of his parents.

"D-Don't call me a participation trophy! I put more effort into shit than you ever will!" He wobbled forwards, trying to intimidate Knife, while at the same time desperately trying to not fall over. He had gotten into (physical) fights before, but not in a long time; plus Knife was way stronger than Trophy had previously anticipated. Knife shoved him back before he could get any closer, making him collide onto the wall once again.

"No, you don't. You don't even have to put effort into being an asshole, because it's already in your nature." Trophy could feel his legs getting weak as Knife continued to throw hateful retorts at him. He just couldn't believe he was this weak. He was only punched once, and this is how his body reacted? It was pathetic, to say the least. Almost pitiful. And the worst part is, this was his fault, and he knew that.

"At... At least I don't play with fucking dolls!" Trophy was searching for anything to insult Knife with, he was so embarrassed right now. He could barely take a punch to the face without crying. He pointed at Knife, but Knife grabbed his hand, which unfortunately made his fight or flight response trigger. Having less-than-decent parents had a lot of stuff that carried into his adulthood, and this was one of them. Though, since he was too scared to actually fight back to his parents when he was a kid, he immediately pulled his hand away from Knife's grasp, quickly running away from the scene.

He felt like an idiot. He just ran away like that? He couldn't even take a few insults? Everyone probably thought he was completely pathetic by now, he wasn't gonna be able to show his face downstairs after this. He ran into the elevator, frantically pressing the buttons to open the door. If anyone followed him, he didn't want to interact with them.


Speak of the devil.

Trophy quickly whipped his head around to look at the person behind him. Lo and behold, Cheesy stood multiple feet in front of him, looking justifiably concerned. Just then, the elevator door opened behind Trophy. He immediately took the chance and moved into the elevator, rapidly pressing the floor number associated with his room.

Cheesy tried to run over to the elevator. "Tro-" His voice was interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors closing right before he could get in, and his face smashed right into the doors.

Meanwhile with Trophy, he immediately pressed his back against the wall of the elevator, sliding down and landing on the floor. He buried his face in his hands, letting out a quiet sob as he felt the elevator rise. He couldn't stop the waterworks from flowing out of his eyes, he felt humiliated to be in this state. Soon, the elevator dinged, and Trophy silently prayed that nobody was there to see him. Thankfully, the halls were empty, so he got up and dashed into his room.

He slammed the door shut and walked over to his bed, flopping his body onto the mattress face first. He rolled over to look at the ceiling. He wished he didn't be an asshole to Knife for no reason, otherwise this never would've happened. He shouldn't even be upset about this, he's not the victim in this situation. He shouldn't be crying, he was the one that hurt them, so he deserved this. He pulled his blanket over his body, burrowing himself into the comforting fabric.

Hopefully that punch wasn't going to leave a mark.

(1,003 words eww it's so short!!1! also this wasn't proofread teehee)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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