Chapter Five (ii)

Start from the beginning

Prisca POV

When I entered the quiet library, I searched for my friend. Her head was bowed on her desk. Was she sleeping?

Walking towards her silently, I approached her unnoticed. Standing near her, I saw tears silently rolling down her cheeks.

My heart clenched. Something had obviously happened while I was gone. To find out, I gently tapped her on the back. It took a while for her to raise her head, and I could tell she'd tried wiping away her tears.

Seeing her red and swollen eyes broke my heart. I had to ask, "What happened, Lizzy? Why are you crying, dear?"

Lizzy sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "It's nothing, Prisca," she mumbled, her voice thick with emotion. "Don't worry about it, just keep studying like you were."

Her words stung. Hadn't she noticed I'd left to check on her? My gaze softened. "Lizzy, come on," I said gently. "We're friends, remember? You can tell me anything."

Lizzy hesitated, then met my eyes, a flicker of vulnerability in them. "It's just... I felt left alone," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "You went off with that guy, and I know you're a natural learner, but I'm not. Seeing you have fun while I struggle..." Her voice trailed off, choked with unshed tears.

Understanding dawned. Guilt washed over me. I hadn't meant to hurt her. "Oh, Lizzy," I said, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize."

She hugged me back tightly for a moment, then pulled away, wiping her eyes again. "It's okay," she mumbled. "Just don't do it again, alright?"

I held her gaze, a newfound determination filling me. "Never again, Lizzy. I promise." We sat together for a while, catching up on our studies.

This time, I made sure to explain the more difficult concepts, the joy of helping her erasing the earlier guilt.

Later that evening, as we walked out of the library, I spotted the "new guy," David, waiting by the entrance. He caught my eye and gave me a hopeful smile. I smiled back apologetically, then turned to Lizzy.

"Hey, how about we have a sleepover at your place tonight? We can eat pizza, watch cheesy movies, and make sure we're both ready to crush these exams."

Lizzy's face lit up. "Sounds perfect, Prisca!"

Together, we walked away, leaving David standing there. Maybe studying with a friend wasn't such a bad idea after all.

As we rounded the corner, a boisterous voice boomed, "Hey angels! There you are!"

We both stopped, surprised. It was Tomi, the goofball of our friend group, his usual wide grin plastered on his face. He jogged up to us, his backpack bouncing with every step.

"Tomi!" Lizzy exclaimed, a hint of amusement in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," he said, puffing out his chest, "I heard whispers of two beautiful maidens struggling through exam hell, and a knight in shining armor just couldn't resist offering his assistance."

I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. "Oh please, Tomi. You wouldn't know a textbook from a comic book."

He feigned hurt, clutching his chest dramatically. "Ouch, Prisca! That cuts deep. But seriously, are you guys studying for the exams? Because if you are, I wouldn't mind joining in. You know, just to keep you company of course."

Lizzy giggled. "Sure, Tomi. You can join us. But don't expect us to explain everything. You might actually have to crack open a book yourself."

Tomi's smile faltered slightly. "A whole book? Ugh, the horror. Maybe I'll just stick to offering moral support then."

We continued walking, playfully bickering with Tomi as he tried (and failed) to convince us he was a studious genius. As we reached my apartment building, my phone buzzed. It was my aunt.

"Hey Prisca," she said, her voice strained. "There's been a family emergency. We won't be back for a week. I'm so sorry, honey. You'll have to look after your brother for a bit."

Disappointment washed over me. I couldn't have a sleepover with Lizzy now. "Oh," I mumbled, my voice barely audible.

Lizzy noticed my sudden change in mood. "What's wrong, Prisca?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

I explained the situation, feeling a pang of guilt for getting her excited about the sleepover.

"That's a bummer," Tomi said, scratching his head. "But hey, maybe Lizzy can stay at your place anyway? You know, since you'll be alone with your little brother."

My eyes widened. That could work! I looked at Lizzy hopefully. "Lizzy, what do you think? Would you be up for staying over at my place tonight? We can still make pizza and watch movies, just with the added responsibility of keeping my brother out of trouble."

Lizzy's face broke into a wide grin. "Actually, Prisca, that sounds kind of fun. A little chaos mixed with studying? I'm in!"

Relief flooded me. "Great! Let's go then, before my brother decides to redecorate the living room with toilet paper again."

We all laughed, the sound echoing down the street as we headed towards my apartment, ready for a night of studying, snacks, and maybe a little sibling wrangling - together.

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