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you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

there was a pause, and this time, it was definitely awkward as minhee tried to figure out what to say

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there was a pause, and this time, it was definitely awkward as minhee tried to figure out what to say. should she be honest? should she lie? 

lying never brings anything good... 

"minhee?" hyunjin snapped her out of her thoughts. "who's is he?" wow, her nails looked nice today. "is... is he mine?" 

she nodded slowly and made eye contact with him. "yes." 

if they were in a movie, then there would have been ten different shots from ten different angles of the way hyunjin's body language changed. his face froze, his jaw dropped, his ears turned bright red, and his fist clenched. the shots would have lasted a solid minute, but in real life, they lasted a couple seconds before he yelled, "why the fuck didn't you tell me?"

minhee flinched at his raised voice, but she wasn't going to deal with that language in her apartment. "if you're going to use profanities, keep your voice down, and if you're going to yell, i'm going to ask you to exit my apartment," she said cooly, her nails digging into the palm of her hand. "my son is too young to be exposed to your language." 

his eyes softened, and he looked away. "sorry," he muttered. he made eye contact again and repeated, "why didn't you tell me?"

"because you were gone, hyunjin. why do you think chan and i blocked you and then deleted our accounts?"

"you could have—"

"no," she interrupted, holding her hand in a stop motion. "you could have made an effort to stay in touch with your girlfriend and best friend. you just told me they took away your means of contacting us. that means we didn't have means of contacting you, either, and believe me, i tried. chris did, too. he fucking flew to korea to find you, hyunjin!" 

his mouth opened and closed before he finally said, "when?" 

minhee looked away. "three months after you left. i found out i was pregnant, and since neither of us could get in contact with you, he went to look for you. it was pretty stupid, to be honest, but he said that he couldn't see me suffering. he spent a couple weeks in korea. i think he asked around quite a bit, too, but he couldn't find you." 

there was another pause. why the fuck are there so many pauses? 

"i'm sorry," he mumbled, fidgeting with his promise ring. "i just— i want to be a part of myungki's life." 

"no," minhee said immediately. 

he looked up, surprised. "'no'? he's my son, too—" 

"no, hyunjin, he's not," she sighed, shaking her head. "i don't think you understand. a dad is supposed to be there for their kid as they grow up, and you weren't there. to be honest, chris is more of a father-figure to him than you are. you're just a sperm donor that i happen to have a history with." 

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