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running from problems won't make them go away, but facing them will make you stronger.

running from problems won't make them go away, but facing them will make you stronger

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minhee almost literally threw her phone onto her bed before rushing to her bathroom. she showered quickly and changed into the outfit chris had asked her to wear. it wasn't the first time he had asked her to wear a certain outfit— this just happened to be one of the more comfortable and cute ones.

she didn't bother with makeup; she was only going out with chris, and that was too much effort.

she had just finished when she heard a familiar voice announce his presence. "i'm here!" chris yelled loudly.

minhee had given him the spare key to her apartment when she moved into it since he came over too often to open the door everytime anyway. it was just too much effort.

am i getting too lazy?

she shook the thoughts away, refusing to let a dream-like-day into a nightmare.

"hi, chan" she yelled back, grabbing her side bag, wallet, and phone before walking out into the living room. "how are—"

"UNCLE CHRIS!" an excruciatingly loud voice screamed, running past minhee and jumping onto the man. compared to chris, he looked tiny, probably the size of one of his arms, but he grinned happily as he twirled him in the air. "I'M SO EXCITED!"

"me too, buddy," chris laughed. he put her son back onto the ground before ruffling his hair. "we're gonna go an amusement park!"

"really?" myungki asked, his eyes sparkling.

the man nodded and hummed in agreement. "it was your eomma's idea."

the boy turned around and hugged her. "thank you, eomma," he said sweetly.

minhee giggled, hugging him back. "darling, do you wanna put on a sweater? it might get cold. you never know in new york."

suddenly, the man said, "myungki, can i tell you something?"

the boy nodded, letting go of his mom and letting chan whisper something in his ear. the two giggled before the younger one ran off to his room, probably to get a sweater.

"what were you two giggling about?" minhee asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

he shrugged with a big grin on his face. "look, we're matching!" he said instead, pointing out his similar star-covered sweater.

"of course we are," she replied. what else did she expect from her cheesy, single, and hopeless romantic best friend? "do you wanna eat out?"

he nodded, but before he could say anything, a tiny bullet came charging at them again. "LOOK, EOMMA, WE'RE ALL MATCHING NOW!" myungki yelled happily as he showed off his sweater, which also had stars.

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