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they said all dreams come true. they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.

 they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too

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life was a dream.

every day was the same, but a little different. every day reflected her emotions. every day was bitter, like the black coffee she had every morning since he left. every day was the same cycle, over and over again.

and sometimes, the dreams would change. her emotions would change, and so would the way she looked at her day, and sometimes, that led to happier dreams. not for long, but just for a bit.

but sometimes, it led to worse dreams. nightmares. those days were the worst. she couldn't sleep. she couldn't eat. she couldn't think straight.

she had a bad feeling today was going to be one of those days.

choi minhee could barely drag herself out of her bed. if she didn't have responsibilities, she would have called in sick, but alas, life didn't always work the way she wanted it to. the minute she got out of bed, a headache rushed up to attack her, and she groaned, massaging her temples.

"eomma?" a small voice called out hesitantly. a head poked through her open door— she was always too scared to close it completely in case something happened— and a little boy with messy black hair peeked in. "are you okay?"

she nodded and plastered on a smile, as she had done many times. "ne, myungki, i'm fine," she told him. "thank you for checking."

he gave her a grin— one that reminded her awfully a lot of him. "you're my favourite person in the whole world. of course i would check, eomma!"

screw children and their cuteness. it was only 8 am and minhee was going to tear up already. "you're my favourite person in the whole world, too," she told him, walking over to him and messing up his hair affectionately.

his gummy smile got even bigger, if that was even possible. "oh, and someone called you while you were sleeping," he said suddenly, remembering. "i picked up and told them that i could take a message like you taught me, but it turned out to be uncle chris, and he told me to tell you that your company is giving your cafe a few days off."

minhee's eyes lit up, but she tried not to seem like a student on the first day of summer vacation. "thank you for acting so maturely and letting me know," she responded, bending down to his height and kissing his forehead. "you know you could have woken me up, though, right?"

myungki nodded, but his smile faded a bit. "i know, eomma, but i also know that you don't get a lot of sleep these days, and since you were sleeping so well and didn't hear your phone ring, i thought it would be better to let you sleep."

it disheartened his mother to know he paid attention to that, and she promised herself again that she wouldn't let herself ruin her son's future. she kissed his cheeks, making him giggle. "you're such a smart five-year-old boy," she told him.

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