𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5

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The bracelets that appeared on Lloyd and Harumi's wrists were created by О́ni, the very embodiments of evil. They created different types of weapons, jewelry and used them against dragons. The bracelets have a connection with each other. The bracelet with black eyes is put on by the “owner” and has control over the one (person, animal or creature) who put on another bracelet with red eyes. After putting on the bracelet, the snake has teeth that bite the skin and draw a little blood, and it is the blood that helps bind the bracelets to each other. Also, the "owner" can activate the bracelet and his subordinate will feel a poisonous pain that will kill him slowly.

The eyes open slowly, and the body hurts so much that it’s even difficult to move it. Lloyd was lying on the floor on his back, with chains made of deepstone around his left wrist and legs. Looking around, Lloyd realized that he was in the same room where he was a couple of minutes ago, or maybe a couple of hours?
“Good evening, Lloyd” a voice appeared, painfully familiar to him.
-"My Lord, I have activated the bracelets and they are working according to plan. The poison is strong enough to make the victim fall to his knees. May I know your plan?" came a gentle female voice with a “firm” tone.

Opening his eyes, he saw the Overlord and Harumi in front of him. Harumi gave the Overlord a wooden box with a golden О́ni symbol, which Lloyd unfortunately did not see. Two warriors run towards him and lifted up him. They they removed the chains from him, Lloyd was conscious by that time and began to act sharply. He kicked one warrior, and hit the second using his Spinjitzu. While Overlord turning to Harumi Lloyd tried to escape, he's very stubborn.
Bur suddenly, he felt wild pain inside his body, the same pain he felt before.
-"No-no-no again!?" he thought.
Lloyd heard that someone is laughing evilly behind him. Turning toward that laugh, he saw Harumi pointed her left hand, which contained the bracelet, and squeezed her left palm. The more she squeezed, the more pain there was.

-"You are completely under my control, Lloyd. This pain will continue for the rest of your life if you refuse to join my side" the Оverlord said menacingly. The eyes slowly filled with tears, and breathing became increasingly difficult. -"Lloyd, please. Come to our side, be with me" Harumi said, gently opening her palm to give him the opportunity to respond.
"What should I do? I can't die this way, what will happen to Ninjago.." thinking for a long time, he answered:
-"I..I agree.. I will join your s-side.." Overlord and Harumi were shocked, even though they themselves wanted to hear this answer. Pfft, the main savior has joined the side of evil? No one will believe this, will they?

-"Repeat. Repeat what you said” Harumi said and squeezed her palm a little harder. Lloyd couldn’t answer in words, he just nodded his head. The pain suddenly went away and Lloyd began to gasp for air, balancing his breathing and wiping away a couple of drops of tears. The Overlord raised his head and directed his eyes out the window from where the white, sparkling rays of the moon fell and illuminated the place.
-"The time has come"

Meanwhile, the ninjas:
The small newspapermen's base was almost empty, the last boy took his portion of newspapers, got on his bike and left. Suddenly a black car pulled up in front of the guy.
Kai and Master Wu got out of the car and approached a guy about 15 years old, he was handing out portions of newspapers for the newsboys.
-"Hey, you're one of the newspaper guys, right?" Kai asked.
-"Almost. I’m, so to speak, their successor. I’m giving them their share of newspapers"
"Then you can help us" said the Master and came closer to the guy.
-"Do you know the meaning of this code?"
The guy thought for a moment and answered:
-"It seems yes, this is the address where newspapers are sent like others"
"Can you decipher this and give us the address? It’s very necessary" Kai asked, placing his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
"Okay, just a minute"
A couple of minutes later, that guy came out into the street with a notepad in his hands.
-"Here, this is the address where newspapers with this code were sent" Having said that, he tore off the piece of paper and gave it to Master Wu.
"May I know why you need this address?"
"Ah..well.." Kai got nervous and suddenly the sounds of a siren were heard.
"The police are nearby. Thank you young boy, we have to go" said the Master and got into the car with Kai where Jay was waiting for them, he was sitting behind the wheel.
"Um, have a good evening" said the guy.

Wrong choise/Ninjago fan fiction[ENGLISH VERSION]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum